
I just bought [this awesome puzzle](https://www.dragonfjord.com/product/a-puzzle-a-day/) and have been enjoying it along with my sons.

Solver for A-Puzzle-A-Day by Dragonfjord

I just bought this awesome puzzle and have been enjoying it along with my sons.

Some days are easy, but other days can be extremely hard to solve! As a fun project with the kids and an escape hatch when we need one, together we wrote this command-line solver. Requires Node 16.


Clone the repository and run node index.js using Node 16

After a few seconds you'll get some ASCII art like:

║                 ║           ║ Jun ║
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If you want to specify a different day, use node cli.js 23/12 (or whatever DD/MM you want to solve for).


Fine print

Copyright 2021, Adam Ahmed

Licensed for use under GNU General Public License - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

I have no affiliation with Dragonfjord, just enjoyed their puzzle.

npm i dragonfjord-puzzlesolver


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 3/12/2023

