
DOM event proxy


DOM Event Proxy - channel all bubbling events via a proxy listener to controller methods.

Doxxy is a minimalistic, dependency-free tool that allows the markup to change without the event listeners being bound to either the markup or the global context.

This allows more flexibility between user-actions and page rerenders/reflows regardless whether the markup is rendered on the server or the client side.

Consider this basic example:

<!-- html - View -->
<button onclick="onclick">Click me!</button>
//js - Controller
function onclick() {
    alert('Hello world!')

In this case the onclick handler is created on and referenced from the global context (Window), polluting the global namespace.

With Doxxy, the event listeners are soft-referenced and live in their scope of declaration.

Adding listeners with Doxxy:

<button data-event:click="click">Click me!</button>


dx.action('click', e => alert('Hello world!'));

This way multiple UI control elements can be channelled through the same event listener.

Doxxy does not conflict with existing frameworks as it is using data-event:[type] attribute and does not rely on other dependencies or frameworks.

Current development target: latest browsers



import doxxy from 'doxxy';

// initialise a Doxxy on a Node
const dx = doxxy();


By default doxxy automatically subscribes the proxy listener to all events that bubble up to the `document`` Node.

You can subscribe to a custom Node with custom events

const node = document.createElement('video'); // optional
const events = [ 'canplay', 'timeupdate', 'ended' ]; // optional
const vx = doxxy({ node, events });

Adding user actions

User actions can be either functions or objects grouping together user actions within the same topic

User action as a function:

dx.action('hello', e => alert("Hello World!"));

User actions as an object:

const start = (e) => e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'hakuna matata');
dx.action('drag', { start });

Proxy/route events to user actions

Event declaration in the markup's data attribute.

Concept: Event (such as click) >> User Action (any predefined user action)


<button data-event:click="hello">Hello World!</button>


<div data-event:dragstart="drag.start" draggable="true"></div>

Adding parameters to user actions

In the attribute value: [action]:[param]

<li data-event:click="showItem:0"></li>

Or use doxxy attribute generator

const attr = dx.attribute('click', 'showItem', 0);
const html = `<li ${attr}></li>`;

Unbinding Doxxy

npm i doxxy


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Bence Kormos
  • released 11/18/2019

