
Run separated BDD outlines and content on top of mocha
bdd outline content separation modular mocha


Run separated BDD outlines and content on Mocha.

Doubleshot serves the single purpose of separating BDD outlines from their implementation. The benefits I will highlight are chaining and re-use of tests.

There are additional benefits such as re-using outlines between different frameworks however an ecosystem is missing for that.

This concept has been birthed out of my previous attempts to achieve a cross-framework testing solution (i.e. sculptor and crossbones).

Getting Started

doubleshot is a global module and is run on the command line

npm install -g doubleshot # Installs doubleshot globally
doubleshot # Runs content/outline files in test folder


doubleshot is run via the command line. By default, it attempts to find content and outline files in the test directory. They should match the following format.

test/{{name}}_outline.json OR test/outline/{{name}}.json
test/{{name}}_content.js OR test/content/{{name}}.js
Accepted file extensions are: `js`, `json`, `node`

Alternatively, you can specify a pattern to find them.

doubleshot --help

Run separated BDD outlines and content on Mocha.
Usage: node ./bin/doubleshot [test dir] [--options]

  --outline  Path to outline files (minimatch accepted)
  --content  Path to content files (minimatch accepted)
  --help     You are reading it                          [boolean]

There is an underlying library, however, it currently cannot be used in isolation.



// outline.json
  "One": {
    "is equal to one": true

// content.js
  'One': function () { = 1;
  'is equal to one': function () {
    assert.strictEqual(, 1);

// Runs test as
describe('One', function () {
  before(function () { = 1;

  it('is equal to one', function () {
    assert.strictEqual(, 1);

Advanced (aliasing and expansion)

// outline.json
  // Spanish for: One plus two
  "Uno mas dos": {
    // Spanish for: is equal to three
    "son tres": true

// content.js
  'Uno mas dos': ['Uno', 'mas dos'],
  'Uno': 'One',
  'One': function () {
    this.sum = 1;
  'mas done': 'plus two',
  'plus two': function () {
    this.sum += 2;
  'son tres': 'is equal to three',
  'is equal to three': function () {
    assert.strictEqual(this.sum, 3);

// Runs test as
describe('Uno mas dos', function () {
  before(function () {
    // These are contained inside functions but have the same effect
    this.sum = 1;
    this.sum += 2;

  it('son tres', function () {
    assert.strictEqual(this.sum, 3);


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint your code using grunt and test via npm test.


Copyright (c) 2013 Todd Wolfson

Licensed under the MIT license.


  • Unknown
  • >= 0.6.0
  • Todd Wolfson
  • released 6/27/2013

