
Deep filters for Javascript objects using dot notation
json prune filter object circular remove replace pluck deep and 7 more...

✂ dotprune ✂

dotprune is a simple tool that allows you to perform operations on collections of JavaScript objects. Pruning allows you to remove or keep only specific object properties using dot notation. Circular allows you to replace circular references in an object with a default string or user defined value. deepPluck allows you to use dot and array notation to pull values from deeply nested objects and collections.

  • See the WIKI for full documentation
  • And the Change Log for what's new


dotprune.prune( collection, fields[, perserve] )

  • collection Object - the collection to prune.
  • fields Array - Array of paths to keep or not keep. Can use dot notation (i.e. ['!name.value'] or ['name.value', ''])
  • [perserve=false] Boolean - Create a pruned copy of the object instead of pruning it in place

Removes fields from an object using dot (.) and not (!) notation

dotprune.circular( collection[, replacement] )

  • collection Object - the collection in which to replace circular references.
  • [replacement="[Circular]"] * - The value to use as a replacement. If replacement is a function it will be passed the circular object and its return value will be used as the replacement

Replaces circular references in an object

dotprune.deepPluck( collection, path )

  • collection Object - the collection to perform a deep pluck on.
  • path String - A string representation of the path to pluck. Array index and dot notation are supported.

Creates an array of values plucked from a collection using dot and array notation

dotprune.mergePush( target, source[, ...sourceN] )

  • target Object - the object to merge into.
  • source Object - the object to merge from.
  • sourceN Object - additional objects to merge from.

Merges two or more objects into the first and creates a union of array values instead of overwriting them

dotprune.stringify( value[, replacer[, space] )

  • value Object - value to stringify.
  • replacer Function - a function who's output will replace the value.
  • space String - spacing.

Similar to JSON.stringify but with support for functions, dates, regular expressions, etc...

Basic Prune Example

var dotprune = require('dotprune');

// define a javascript object with sub-properties
var obj = [
        id: 1,
        name: "Jack Shepard",
        groups: [
            	id: 1,
            	name: "survivors",
            	station: {
            		id: 2,
            		name: "swan"
            	id: 2,
            	name: "chosen ones",
            	station: {
            		id: 5,
            		name: "temple"

// call the prune function with the object and an array of properties
var prunedObject = dotprune.prune(obj, ['id', 'name', '', '']);

// format the output and print it to the console
var prettyObject = JSON.stringify(prunedObject, null, '  ');
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Jack Shepard",
    "groups": [
        "name": "survivors",
        "station": {
          "name": "swan"
        "name": "chosen ones",
        "station": {
          "name": "temple"

Basic Circular Example

var dotprune = require('dotprune');

var main = {
    name: 'main',
    obj1: {
        name: 'main'

main.obj1.main = main;
main.obj2 = main;

var main2 = {
    name: 'main2',
    obj: main

var obj = dotprune.circular([main, main2], function(obj) {
    return '[CustomCircular]';

console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, '  '));
    "name": "main",
    "obj1": {
      "name": "main",
      "main": "[CustomCircular]"
    "obj2": "[CustomCircular]"
    "name": "main2",
    "obj": {
      "name": "main",
      "obj1": {
        "name": "main",
        "main": "[CustomCircular]"
      "obj2": "[CustomCircular]"

Basic deepPluck Example

var dotprune = require('dotprune');

// define a javascript object with sub-properties
var obj = [
        id: 1,
        name: "Jack Shepard",
        groups: [
            	id: 1,
            	name: "survivors",
            	station: {
            		id: 2,
            		name: "swan"
            	id: 2,
            	name: "chosen ones",
            	station: {
            		id: 5,
            		name: "temple"

console.log(dotprune.deepPluck(obj, ''));
// > [ 'survivors', 'chosen ones' ]

console.log(dotprune.deepPluck(obj, 'groups[0]'));
// > [ 'swan' ]

console.log(dotprune.deepPluck(obj, 'groups[station].name'));
// > [ 'swan', 'temple' ]


Created with Nodeclipse (Eclipse Marketplace, site)

Nodeclipse is free open-source project that grows with your contributions.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Branden Horiuchi
  • released 1/15/2016

