
A docsify plugin that copies a markdown code block to your clipboard


NPM License: MIT

A docsify plugin that adds a button to easily copy code blocks to your clipboard.



Add following script tag to your index.html after docsify. Specifying the @[version] in the URL ensures that the release of a major update (v3.x) will not break your production site:

<!-- Latest v2.x.x -->
<script src=""></script>


If you prefer to load the latest version of the library, you may do so by omitting the @[version] from the above URL.

<!-- Latest (not recommended for production) -->
<script src=""></script>


Create a markdown code block with help of triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code. This block will have a copy button on the top right when hovering over it.


Button text

Button text can be customized as follows:

window.$docsify = {
  // docsify-copy-code (defaults)
  copyCode: {
    buttonText: 'Copy to clipboard',
    errorText: 'Error',
    successText: 'Copied',

Localization (l10n)

Button text can also be customized based on the current URL. Object key/value pairs are processed in the order provided.

window.$docsify = {
  copyCode: {
    buttonText: {
      '/zh-cn/': '点击复制',
      '/ru/': 'Скопировать в буфер обмена',
      '/de-de/': 'Klicken Sie zum Kopieren',
      '/es/': 'Haga clic para copiar',
      '/': 'Copy to clipboard',
    errorText: {
      '/zh-cn/': '错误',
      '/ru/': 'ошибка',
      '/': 'Error',
    successText: {
      '/zh-cn/': '复制',
      '/ru/': 'Скопировано',
      '/de-de/': 'Kopiert',
      '/es/': 'Copiado',
      '/': 'Copied',

Note: Docsify's alias option makes it easy to manage local content using separate directories. See the /demo/ content in this repo for an example.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE for details.

npm i docsify-copy-code


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • JP Erasmus
  • released 8/18/2023
