
Docker client and programmatic dockerizer
docker client dockerize node automation


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Docker client and programmatic dockerizer


npm install dockerizer --save


var co = require("co"); // I recommend using this package with 'co' or async+await from ES7
var request = require("request"); // for communicating with containers

var Docker = require("dockerizer"); // Docker is a class

co(function *() {
    let docker = new Docker({ uri: "http://unix:/var/run/docker.sock:" }); // the default unix socket uri for docker on linux
    // with an app path
    yield docker.dockerize("/path/to/my/app", { port: 9000 });
    // Now you can communicate with your app using request() or any other means on http://localhost:9000
    // with an app string
    let app = "var app = require('express')(); app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello world!')); app.listen(8080);";
    let package = '{ "dependencies": { "express": "*" } }';
    let id = docker.dockerize(app, { package: package }); // running on port 3000 by default
    let result = yield promisify(request, ["http://localhost:3000"]);
    console.log(result.body); // Hello world!

// You can promisify most functions with a callback parameter at the end
function promisify (fun, args) {
    return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
        args.push((err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res));
        fun.apply(this, args);


The following dockerfile is provided by default:

FROM tatsushid/tinycore-node:4.2
COPY /app /app
RUN cd /app; npm install
EXPOSE  8080
CMD ["node", "/app"]

You can provide your own dockerfile:

docker.dockerize(app, { dockerfile: `my dockerfile as a string` });

Docker client

You can use docker.request() to issue any requests to the Docker Remote API.

let containers = yield docker.request("/containers/json?all=1"); // get all (running and stopped) containers; returns the body by default (the containers array here); GET by default

let res = yield docker.request(`/containers/${id}/stop`, { method 'POST', result: true }); // you have to specify non-GET methods; here we're requesting the full result instead the body
console.log(res.statusCode, res.body); // we can check any request result properties now

docker.request(path, options) supports any request options (including certificates for tls/ssl https)

Docker images

In order to create a docker image we'll need a tarball containing at least a dockerfile at it's root. Dockerizer provides a helpful function dockerball(dockerfile, entries) that gives us just what we need. dockerfile should be a string; entries is optional and can be an array of file/directory paths you wish to include in the archive.

// A docker(file tar)ball buffer
let dockerball = yield docker.dockerball(dockerfile, ['/path/to/my/app']);

// Building an image
yield docker.request('/build?t=my-image', { method: 'POST', json: false, headers: { "Content-type": "application/tar" }, body: dockerball }); // since json is true by default (for docker.request), we need to specify it as false here

Docker containers

// Create a container
let config = { Image: 'my-image', HostConfig: { PortBindings: { '8080/tcp': [{ HostPort: '3000' }]}}};
let container = yield docker.request(`/containers/create?name=${name}`, { method: 'POST', body: config });

We used 'my-image' and bound host port '3000' (must be a string) to port '8080' inside the container, so if an app/server is running on 8080 in there, we'll be able to communicate with it.

// Start the container
yield docker.request(`/containers/${container.Id}/start`, { method: 'POST' });

yield new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

We set a timeout to make sure the connection is enabled before we use it. This is good enough for development, but it doesn't guarantee anything; in a production environment you need to check the connection before using it.

Docker on OSX

After installing the docker toolbox and making sure the default docker machine is running docker-machine start default, get the machine IP docker-machine ip default and use it with the proper certificates:

let docker = new Docker({
    uri: "",
    cert: fs.readFileSync("/Users/alex/.docker/machine/certs/cert.pem"),
    key: fs.readFileSync("/Users/alex/.docker/machine/certs/key.pem"),
    ca: fs.readFileSync("/Users/alex/.docker/machine/certs/ca.pem")

Replace the IP with the one for your docker machine and the user name with yours for the certificates.



=> Object



Object properties:

  • uri - The Docker Remote API URI (e.g. the unix socket for docker on linux: http://unix:/var/run/docker.sock: - don't forget the trailing ':')

options acts as a permanent set of request options for every request sent from the object. This is a good place to set certificates for https.

Properties set in the constructor options overwrite properties set in the request options, so be careful what you set here.

dockerize (app, options)

=> Promise

Resolves with the container ID.


String | Buffer | Stream

app can be a path (String) to a directory/file or code given as a String, Buffer or Stream. Aside from directory, every other case (excepting custom dockerfile projects) will likely require a package json set through options.package.


(Optional) Object

Object properties:

  • name - Container name; app-${timestamp} by default; Note: The image name will be ${}-image;
  • port - The host port for the container; '3000' by default;
  • dockerfile - Custom Dockerfile as a string;
  • package - package.json; Use it for dependencies (e.g. options.package='{ "dependencies": { "express": "*" } }';); For code given as a string\buffer\stream\file path that requires a package.json; Do not set this if app is a path to a directory (create a package.json there instead);
  • start - Start the container after creation; true by default; Note: Regardless of who starts the container, after issuing the start command you should to wait until it's actually started and functional before you do anything with it;
  • container - Container configuration; By default, it sets the image to be used and the port bindings in the host configuration; default: { Image: `${container_name}-image`, HostConfig: { PortBindings: { '8080/tcp': [{ HostPort: '3000' }]}}}; For more configuration options, see docker's create a container; If you set options.container, you must re-specify the image and port (if you need them);

request(path, options)

=> Promise

Resolves to the response body by default (can be changed to return the full response).



Represents the Docker Remote API Endpoint to send the request to.


(Optional) Object

Same as options from the request/request package.

  • options.method is GET by default, same as request/request; other methods need to be specified;
  • options.encoding is utf8 by default, same as request/request;
  • options.json is true by default; if you don't want the content type to be set to JSON and/or the body automatically parsed, specify it as false; this is different from request/request due to the more common usage of json as true throughout this project;
  • options.result if set to true, request's promise will resolve to the full response as opposed to just the body; this is an extra due to the more common usage of body throughout this project;

dockerball(dockerfile, entries)

=> Promise

Resolves to a tarball Buffer.



The Dockerfile string to include as a file in the tarball.


(Optional) Array

An array of path strings (files/directories) to include in the tarball (e.g. '/path/to/my/app').

Can also contain Strings, Buffers and Streams, described through objects (e.g. { data: buffer, type: 'buffer', name: 'myfile.txt' }).


  • Docker management & statistics


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Alexandru Sfirlogea
  • released 2/2/2016

