
Maps easy to remember names to DNS rcodes.
dns rcodes


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Maps easy to remember names to DNS RCODE (response code) values.


var rcodes = require('dns-rcodes');

// Get the rcode for "No Error"
var noErrorCode = rcodes.NoError;

// How about if the lookup is "Refused"?
var refusedCode = rcodes.Refused;

// Doing TSIG? We got you...
var badSignatureCode = rcodes.BadSignature;


Below is a list of exposed RCODEs organized by RFC.


RCODE Name Description
0 NoError No error condition.
1 FormatError The name server was unable to interpret the query.
2 ServerFailure The name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the name server.
3 NameError Meaningful only for responses from an authoritative name server, this code signifies that the domain name referenced in the query does not exist.
4 NotImplemented The name server does not support the requested kind of query.
5 Refused The name server refuses to perform the specified operation for policy reasons. For example, a name server may not wish to provide the information to the particular requester, or a name server may not wish to perform a particular operation.


RCODE Name Description
6 YXDomain Some name that ought not to exist, does exist.
7 YXRRSet Some RRset that ought not to exist, does exist.
8 NXRRSet Some RRset that ought to exist, does not exist.
9 NotAuth The server is not authoritative for the zone named in the Zone Section.
10 NotZone A name used in the Prerequisite or Update Section is not within the zone denoted by the Zone Section.


RCODE Name Description
16 BadVersion Requestor provided a version option not compatible with the server.


RCODE Name Description
16 BadSignature TSIG Signature Failure.
17 BadKey Key not recognized.
18 BadTime Signature out of time window.


RCODE Name Description
19 BadMode Incorrect TKEY mode.
20 BadName Duplicate TKEY name.
21 BadAlgorithm Algorithm not supported.


RCODE Name Description
22 BadTruncation Bad truncation.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Ryan Sandor Richards
  • released 4/6/2015

