
JS Boilerplate

JS Boilerplate

[!!!] This repository has been deprecated, we suggest to use instead

This is the boilerplate for your new javascript project.

Create new library

Before all, you have to create a new library.

To make this, read the instructions reported here

Instructions for your new library

Grunt command list

When your library is ready, you can use the following grunt commands:

Command Description
grunt lint Run es-lint to check that code respects the style guide. Single run task.
grunt test Run unit test. Single run task.
grunt coverage Run unit test, calculate coverage, run a local server to display the coverage report and wait. When a file is changed (in "example", "src" or "test" folder), the test re-run and the server is reloaded.
P.S. to read coverage, open "lcov-report" folder in browser.
grunt doc Create temporary documentation, run a local server to display it and wait. When a file is changed (in "modules" folder), the documentation is re-created and the server is reloaded.
grunt serve Run a local server on "example" folder. When a file is changed (in "example" or "src" folder), the server is reloaded.
grunt travis Create a new build, run unit test, calculate coverage, send coverage to coveralls, run es-lint and create a temporary documentation. (This command can be executed only on Travis; it's useful to check if build is successful).
grunt version Create a new build, run unit test, calculate coverage, run es-lint, create a new version (major, minor or patch), create a new official documentation.

How to create a new feature

We use Git flow to create a new feature or make an hotfix.

  • Create a new feature branch from "develop" branch
git checkout develop
git checkout -b feature/newfeature
  • Code!
  • Commit and push on feature branch
  • When the feature is ready, merge feature branch on "develop", resolving possible conflicts
  • Delete local and remote feature branch, after merge
git branch -d feature/newfeature
git push origin :feature/newfeature
  • When a new version of your_library is ready to be created, read the section below

How to create a new version

  • When the "develop" branch contains new features ready for production, create a new pull request from develop to master branch
  • Check the code with other developers and when you are ready, merge!
  • On "master" branch use this grunt command
grunt version
  • We use Semantic Versioning to create a new version
  • You can choose between a major version, a minor version or a patch
? Current: 1.1.0 - Choose a new version for this library: (Use arrow keys)
❯ No new version 
  Major Version (2.0.0) 
  Minor Version (1.2.0) 
  Patch (1.1.1)
  • Describe the features of this new version, seperating them with semicolons
? Features for version 1.1.0 (use ";" to separate features): ()
  • Commit and push CHANGELOG and bower.json
git commit -a -m "New feature"
git push origin master
  • Create a new git tag with the name of new version and push this
git tag 2.0.0
git push --tags origin
  • Push new documentation
git subtree push --prefix docs origin gh-pages
  • The new version is ready!

How to read documentation

To read documentation of your library, open replacing temp with version number.

For example, for version 1.0.0, open

npm i dml-js-boilerplate


  • MIT
  • 0.10.25
  • Unknown
  • released 2/12/2019

