
A simple layer for creating and checking user roles/permissions
dignity user permissions roles acl


Dignity is a node js module that creates a layer based on user to check his/her roles and permissions

Build Status

ORMs Covered (for now)

Quick use:

var dignity = require('dignity');

// sequelize
User.find(userId).then(function (result) {
  var layer = new dignity.SequelizeLayer(result);
  layer.analyzeDignity().then(function () {
    layer.is('ironman'); // check if user has role ironman
    layer.hasRole('destroyer'); // layer.is === layer.hasRole

    layer.can('play-dota') // check if user can play dota
    layer.hasPermission('play-dota') // layer.can === layer.hasPermission

// bookshelf
(new User({
    id: 1
.then(function (result) {
  var layer = new dignity.BookshelfLayer(result);
  layer.analyzeDignity().then(function () {
    layer.is('ironman'); // check if user has role ironman
    layer.hasRole('destroyer'); // layer.is === layer.hasRole

    layer.can('play-dota') // check if user can play dota
    layer.hasPermission('play-dota') // layer.can === layer.hasPermission

To use dignity properly, you have to follow these conventions:

  • Many to Many relation between User and Role, the name of the relation in User must be roles
  • Many to Many relation between Role and Permission, the name of the relation in Role must be permissions

Too lazy to make migration file?

dignity has a command line tool to make migration file (based on knex)


  • install knex npm install knex -g
  • init the knexfile knex init and input your db config in knexfile.js
  • create the migration dignity create-migration or dignity create-migration > ./migrations/dignity-migration.js
  • now you can run the migration knex migrate:latest :D

Layer API

  • getUser() get the user.
  • setUser(user) set user,it will automaticaly run analyzeDignity, so u can use it like this layer.setUser(user).then(function () { /* do something */ }).
  • getPermissions() returns an array of permissions.
  • getRoles() returns an array of roles.
  • is(String|Array) check role, example layer.is('ironman') layer.is(['ironman', 'admin']). For array convention, it returns true satisfy if user has one of the given roles.
  • can(String|Array) check permission, example layer.can('playing') layer.is(['playing', 'edit post']). For array. convention, it returns true satisfy if user has one of the given permission


You must have sqlite3 installed in your system, npm test


For now dignity leaves the creation of roles and permissions by yourself since it's responsibility is only to check the dignity of the given user.

npm i dignity


  • MIT
  • >= 0.10.0
  • Sendy Halim
  • released 10/25/2014

