
Detect if a chunk of a string is a csv
delimiter csv tsv


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Detect if a chunk in the beginning of a CSV (in the sense of character seperated values) is valid and determine the delimiter character. Install with npm install detect-csv

Right now it only parses the first line and counts characters. So the rest of the CSV might be invalid. Also I recommend checking for json/ndjson first, since it's the more strict format.

var detect = require('detect-csv')

var csv = detect('a,b,c\n1,2,3')

// prints ',' and '\n'

var isCsv = detect('notacsv')
console.log('This is ' + (isCsv ? '' : 'not') + ' a csv') 
// prints: This is not a csv

You add the following options as a second parameter:

  • delimiters Delimiters to detect, defaults to [',', ';', '\t', '|']
  • newlines Newline characters to detect, defaults to ['\n', '\r']

Delimiters and newlines don't work with multiple characters, e.g. \r\n.

npm i detect-csv


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Finn Pauls
  • released 5/7/2015
