
A javascript performance debugger.
performance debug debugging speed timing nanoseconds log decorator


debug. perf. derf?

Simple wrappers for debugging function performance.

  • based on the debug module
  • handles most common function patterns
  • no performance hit in production


Wrap Functions
// DEBUG=sync:* node script.js
import * as derf from 'derf';

const fn = derf.sync('sync:fn', function(a, b) {
  // slow operation
  return value;
Wrap Async Functions
// DEBUG=async:* node script.js
import * as derf from 'derf';

const fn1 = derf.callback('async:fn1', function(foo, bar, cb) {
  // slow operation
  callback(null, value);

const fn2 = derf.promise('async:fn2', function(foo, bar) {
  // slow operation
  return Promise.resolve(value);
Wrap Express Middleware
// DEBUG=middleware:* node script.js
import * as derf from 'derf';

const fn1 = derf.middleware('middleware:fn1', function(req, res, next) {
  // slow operation

const fn2 = derf.middleware('middleware:fn2', function(req, res, next) {
  // slow operation

const fn3 = derf.middleware('middleware:fn3', function(err, req, res, next) {
  // slow operation


Every function wrapper takes in the following arguments:

  • namespace - Required. A string to pass to debug or a debug function.
  • fn - Required. A function to wrap.
  • printer - Optional. A function to customize what is logged.

derf.sync(namespace, fn, [printer])

Wraps a synchronous function.

derf.callback(namespace, fn, [printer])

Wraps a node-style async function. derf will intercept the last function passed in. Meaning it can work with the following types of argument orders.

const fn1 = derf.callback('namespace1', function(a, b, callback) { });

const fn2 = derf.callback('namespace1', function(a, callback, b) { });

const fn1 = derf.callback('namespace1', function(callback, a, b) { });

derf.promise(namespace, fn, [printer])

Wraps a function that returns a promise.

derf.middleware(namespace, fn, [printer])

Wraps express middleware, route handlers, and error handlers.

derf.isWrapped(fn) -> boolean

Returns true if a given function has already been wrapped by derf.

Custom Logging

You can pass in a function as the last argument of each derf wrapper to customize what is logged. The function must return a string and is passed the following arguments:

  • debug - function. the debug instance.
  • time - number. the time in nanoseconds it took the function to to run.
  • args - array. the arguments the function was called with.
  • retArgs - array. the error/value the function was resolved with.

For example, a simple printer could look like this:

function simplePrinter(debug, time, callArgs, retArgs) {
  const [err, res] = retArgs; // not available for middleware

  if (err) {
    debug('failed in %s nanoseconds', time);
  } else {
    debug('finished in %s nanoseconds', time);


In addition to exporting the standard wrapping functions, derf also provides functions that work with the experimental decorator syntax.

import { timeSync, timePromise, timeCallback } from 'derf';
import createDebug from 'debug';

const debug = createDebug('test');

export default class TimedClass {

  sync(val) {
    return val;

  promise(val) {
    return Promise.resolve(val);

  callback(val, cb) {
    setTimeout(cb, 0, val);

You can create decorators with custom logging logic by importing the createDecorator function.

import { createDecorator, callback as callbackWrapper } from 'derf';

const myDecorator = createDecorator(
  function simplePrinter(debug, time, callArgs, retArgs) {
    debug('it\'s done');


  1. Because derf wraps your function calls with it's own. There is a performance hit when the DEBUG environment variable is enabled. But you shouldn't have that enabled in production anyways.

  2. Try not to miswrap Functions (e.g. don't do derf.promise(someCallbackFunction)). While derf won't break your code by throwing an error, it will not be able to print the timings of that function, it may also cause the function to run slower. Run your code with DEBUG=derf,your:namespace:* to view derf's own debug statements.

npm i derf


  • MIT
  • >=4
  • Nicholas Clawson
  • released 12/6/2017

