
A minimalist dependency injection framework for node.js.

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A minimalist dependency injection framework for node.js.


Create a container

Create a new container by calling dependable.container:

var dependable = require('dependable'),
    container = dependable.container();

Register some dependencies

Register a few dependencies for later use (a string and an object):

container.register('occupation', 'tax attorney');
container.register('transport', {
  type: 'station wagon',
  material: 'wood-paneled'

Register a dependency that has other dependencies

When the argument is a function, the function's arguments are automatically populated with the correct dependencies, and the return value of the function is registered as the dependency:

container.register('song', function (occupation, transport, legalStatus) {
  var song = {};

  song.chorus = function chorus() {
    return [
      'I\'m a ' + occupation,
      'On a ' + transport.material + ' ' + transport.type + ' I ride',
      'And I\'m ' + legalStatus.message

  return song;

Register a dependency out-of-order

song depends on a legalStatus, which hasn't been registered yet. Dependable resolves dependencies lazily, so we can define this dependency after-the-fact:

container.register('legalStatus', {
  warrants: [],
  message: 'without outstanding warrants'

Resolve a dependency and use it

Like with container.register, the function arguments are automatically resolved, along with their dependencies:

container.resolve(function (song) {
   * I'm a tax attorney
   * On a wood-paneled station wagon I ride
   * And I'm without outstanding warrants

Re-register dependencies

As it stands, song returns boring, non-catchy lyrics. One way to change its behavior is to re-register its dependencies:

container.register('occupation', 'cowboy');
container.register('legalStatus', {
  warrants: [
      for: 'shooting the sheriff',
      notes: 'did not shoot the deputy'
  message: 'wanted: dead or alive'

This is really useful in a number of situations:

  1. A container can register configuration parameters for an application---for example, a port---and allows them to be changed later
  2. Dependencies can be replaced with mock objects in order to test other dependencies

To resolve the updated dependencies, provide an empty override:

container.resolve({}, function (song) {
   * I'm a cowboy
   * On a wood-paneled station wagon I ride
   * And I'm wanted: dead or alive

Override dependencies at resolve time

It's also possible to override dependencies at resolve time:

var horse = {
  type: 'horse',
  material: 'steel'

container.resolve({ transport: horse }, function (song) {
   * I'm a cowboy
   * On a steel horse I ride
   * And I'm wanted: dead or alive

Sounds like a hit!


container.register(name, function) - Registers a dependency by name. function can be a function that takes dependencies and returns anything, or an object itself with no dependencies.

container.register(hash) - Registers a hash of names and dependencies. This is useful for setting configuration constants.

container.load(fileOrFolder) - Registers a file, using its file name as the name, or all files in a folder. Does not traverse subdirectories.

container.get(name, overrides = {}) - Returns a dependency by name, with all dependencies injected. If you specify overrides, the dependency will be given those overrides instead of those registered.

container.getSandboxed(name, overrides = {}) - Returns a dependency by name, with all dependencies injected. Unlike get, you must specify overrides for all dependencies. This can (and should) be used during testing to ensure a module under test has been competely isolated.

container.resolve(overrides={}, cb) - Calls cb like a dependency function, injecting any dependencies found in the signature. Like container.get, this supports overrides.

container.list() - Return a list of registered dependencies.


Dependable is written in coffeescript. To generate javascript, run npm run prepublish.

Tests are written with mocha. To run the tests, run npm test.




  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Sean Hess
  • released 8/19/2017

