
Deno lint command-line executable for Node.js
deno-lint deno lint eslint napi-rs napi n-api rust


Latest version Dependency status

Deno lint command-line executable for Node.js

A lot faster than eslint, handling both JavaScript and TypeScript sources.

This project started as fork of customised @node-rs/deno-lint, adding the flexibility of eslint:

  • Scan specific directories with specific ignore patterns (631, 647)
  • Scan directories configured by files.include (635, 645)
  • Fix handling of the configuration files.exclude (635, 646)
  • Support disabling rules in souces using eslint-disable (630, 642)
  • Execute the command-line tool denolint without loading the Node.js VM (648)
  • Allow specifying dirdctories, files and patterns as input for checking
  • Print warning messages in pretty or compact formats
  • Explain a rule or list all supported rules on the console


Scan sources in the current directory:

$ npx denolint


  × `var` keyword is not allowed.
3 │ export function answer() {
4 │   var answer = 42
  ·   ───────────────
5 │   return answer

Unexpected token `return`. Expected this, import, async, function,
[ for array literal, { for object literal, @ for decorator, function, class,
null, true, false, number, bigint, string, regexp, ` for template literal, (,
or an identifier at test/index.js:4:3

Scan sources in the test subdirectory using an alternative config file:

npx denolint -c .denolint-tests.json tests


npx denolint [options] [dirs...]

The project directory will be scanned if no directory is specified either on the command line or in the config file. Directories on the command line take precedence over the directories in the config file.

--format, -f

Format of warnings printed on stderr. Either compact or pretty (default).

--project, -p

Root directory of the project, which contains files .denolintignore or .eslintignore. Defaults to the current directory.

--config, -c

Config path relative to the lint path. If not provided, a .denolint.json in the project directory will be tried to load.

Config file must be a JSON file:


  "files": {
    "include": ["src", "test"],
    "exclude": ["examples"]
  "rules": {
    "tags": ["recommended"],
    "exclude": [

Check out deno_lint rules for all rules.


Disables searching for the default config file if no specific config file is provided.


Only lists the files names, which would be processed, without checking their syntax. It can be used to learn what files will be processed.

--show-rule, -r

Explains a rule, or lists all rules, emphasizing the recommended ones, if no rule name is specified.

--help, -h

Prints the usage instructions and exits.

--version, -V

Prints the version of the package and exits.

Migration from @node-rs/deno-lint

If you specified the project root directory, do it using the -p, --project argument:

- npx denolint package/cmd
+ npx denolint -p package/cmd

If you used the -r, --root argument from the customised @node-rs/deno-lint, change it to the -p, --project argument:

- denolint -r package/cmd
+ denolint -p package/cmd

The argument --check-only known from @node-rs/deno-lint is not supported. If you needed to ignore the exit code, use an additional executable or shell alias, which exits successfully, for example:

- npx denolint--check-only
+ npx denolint || true


If the installation fails, set the environment variable DENOLINT_DEBUG to true and watch the debugging output on the console.

Support matrix

Platform node14 node16 node18
Windows x64
Windows x32
Windows arm64
MacOS x64
MacOS arm64
Linux x64 gnu
Linux x64 musl
Linux arm gnu
Linux arm64 gnu
Linux arm64 musl × × ×
Android arm64 × × ×
Android armv7 × × ×
FreeBSD x64


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.


Copyright (c) 2020-2022 LongYinan
Copyright (c) 2023 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.

npm i denolint


  • MIT
  • >= 12
  • Ferdinand Prantl
  • released 10/25/2023

