
Generate RegExp for delimiters, to be used with templates, files or data streams.
boundaries custom customize delimiters delims expressions front matter pattern and 10 more...

delims NPM version

Generate RegExp for delimiters, to be used with templates, files or data streams.


Heads up! please read the API documentation to see the changes made in v0.3.0.

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var Delims = require('delims');
var delims = new Delims();



Create delimiter regex for templates.


Let's say you want to use curly braces as delimiters for Lo-Dash templates instead of angle brackes, e.g. {%= name %}.

var settings = delims.templates(['{{', '}}']);

// use it like this
var tmpl = _.template('{%= name %}', {name: 'Jon'}, settings);
//=> Jon

The full object returned looks something like:

  beginning: '',
  matter: '([\\s\\S]+?)',
  body: '',
  end: '',
  flags: 'g',
  noncapture: false,
  delims: [ '{%', '%}' ],
  open: '{%',
  close: '%}',
  evaluate: /{%([\s\S]+?)%}/g,
  interpolate: /{%=([\s\S]+?)%}/g,
  escape: /{%-([\s\S]+?)%}/g


Create delimiter regex for front-matter.

delims.matter(['~~~', '~~~']);
//=> '/^~~~([\\s\\S]+?)~~~([\\s\\S]+|\\s?)$/';

delims.matter(['~{3}', '~{3}']);
//=> '/^~{3}([\\s\\S]+?)~{3}([\\s\\S]+|\\s?)$/';

Read more about delimiters.

about delimiters

Type: Array

Default: ['---', '---']

An array of strings is appropriate for typical use cases, with the first item in the array being the "opening" delimiter, and the second item being the "closing" delimiter. In cases when multiple delimiters are required, e.g. --- or ~~~, an array of arrays may be passed in, where the first array will be used as opening delimiters and the second array will be used as closing delimiters.

Additionally, when multiple arrays are passed in the generated delimiters will be wrapped in non-capturing RegExp groups. For example, this:

  ['---', '~~~'], // delimiter 1
  ['---', '~~~']  // delimiter 2

will result in something like this:

// for clarity, only the regex for delimiters is shown here
(?:---|~~~)/*other regex*/(?:---|~~~)

(Warning! Passing in multiple delimiters is a good way to cause delimiter collision, you best avoid doing so accept for running tests. Don't say I didn't warn you!)


An object of options may be passed as a second parameter. Example:

delims(['---', '---'], options);

Here are the available options and their defaults, starting with boundary options:

Boundary options

In addition to the delimiters themselves, these additional boundary options are available for increased flexibility.


Type: Boolean

Default: ([\s\S]+?)

This is the "content" between the delimiters. YAML Front Matter being the inspiration for matter. See the examples.


Type: Boolean

Default: ([\s\S]+|\s?)

The "content" after the delims

RegExp Options


Type: Boolean

Default: ^

^ Matches beginning of input. See the Mozilla RegEx documentation.


Type: Boolean

Default: $

$ Matches end of input. See the Mozilla RegEx documentation.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Escape custom regex used for delimiters. E.g. ['{%', '%}'] will be escaped to ['\\{\\%', '\\%\\}'] before being passed to new RegExp().


Type: Boolean

Default: false

Build a non-capture group. Disabled by default, but enabled by default when multiple delimiters are passed in.


Type: Boolean

Default: undefined

  • g: global match
  • i: ignore case
  • m: multiline, so that beginning and end characters, ^ and $, work over multiple lines. See the Mozilla RegEx documentation.


A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions in plain text or other data streams. --Wikipedia

YAML Front Matter


Lo-Dash Templates



Jon Schlinkert


Copyright (c) 2014 Jon Schlinkert, contributors. Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb-cli on September 26, 2014.

npm i delims

