
Deletes a deeply nested object property
delete property deep recursive nested

DEPRECATED: Use Lodash's unset method instead

This module will still work but I will no longer maintain it since lodash implements it.

delete-property Build Status

Deletes a deeply nested object property. Returns true if successfully deleted. Returns false if property doesn't exist or if the passed in argument is not an object.


npm install delete-property

Example usage

var deleteProperty = require('delete-property');
var obj = {
    n: {
        p: {
            m: true

var deleteNPM = deleteProperty('n.p.m');
console.log(deleteNPM(obj)); // true
console.log(obj.n.p.hasOwnProperty('m')); // false

// Tryin to delete something that ain't exist? You rascal..

var deleteSuckIt = deleteProperty('');
console.log(deleteSuckIt(obj)) // false
console.log(deleteSuckIt(undefined)) // false
console.log(deleteSuckIt(null)) // false
console.log(deleteSuckIt(69)) // false
console.log(deleteSuckIt('god damn it')) // false
npm i delete-property


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Rahat Ahmed
  • released 5/25/2016

