
Simple util for decrypting secure environment variables encrypted using KMS


Simple util for decrypting secure environment variables encrypted using KMS.


Include decrypt-kms-env in your project's package.json.

From a Dockerfile/shell

Once installed, run your application in your Dockerfile prefixed:

RUN eval $(./node_modules/.bin/decrypt-kms-env) && npm start

Follows a simple convention whereby:

  • Encrypted blobs are prefixed with secure:,
  • When the output of decrypt-kms-env is passed to eval in a shell, values are decrypted in-place. Scrubbed debug output is provided so you can confirm env vars have been decrypted and set.
> eval $(./node_modules/.bin/decrypt-kms-env)
Decrypted SecureValueA=************1231
Decrypted SecureValueB=************913X

From JS/Lambda function

If you don't have access to a shell to set env vars before starting your app, you can run decrypt-kms-env via JS.

var dke = require('decrypt-kms-env');
dke(process.env, function(err, scrubbed) {
  if (err) throw err;
  // Values in process.env are now decrypted.

  // To debug use `scrubbed` instead of logging `process.env` directly.
  // console.log(scrubbed);

Our usage

We use this from within Docker containers to decrypt env vars encrypted via KMS.


For projects using python & awscli rather than node, the v1.x branch of this project can be used.

# Install
curl -sL | tar --gunzip --extract --strip-components=1 --directory=/usr/local

# Run app
. decrypt-kms-env && npm start
npm i decrypt-kms-env


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Mapbox
  • released 12/21/2016

