
Theme toolchain used for Drupal projects running the Deck subtheme.
drupal gulp gulpplugin

Drupal Deck task registry

Build Status


This toolset is just a collection of Gulp based development and build tasks. They were written primarily for use on Drupal sites using the Deck subtheme, but there's no reason that they can't be used on other platforms/themes.

They use Gulp v4, but the latest version of Gulp CLI will ensure you don't need to remove your current v3 installation of Gulp.


  • NodeJS >= v6
  • Gulp CLI (npm install -g gulp-cli).


Into a new task suite

  1. Run $ npm install deck-task-registry
  2. If the stub files aren't created, then navigate to node_modules/src/post-install/files and copy the example.config.js and gulpfile.js files into your Gulp tasks directory, removing any example prefixes.

Into an existing task suite

  1. Run $ npm install deck-task-registry
  2. If the stub files aren't created, then navigate to node_modules/src/post-install/files and copy the example.config.js file into your Gulp tasks directory, removing any example prefixes.
  3. require your config and the drupal-task-registry module.
  4. Add the registry to your project by adding gulp.registry(config)


Basic usage

The tools are gulp tasks, so simply run gulp TASKNAME.

To see an available list if tasks, run gulp --tasks

Build mode

There are two build modes available to the toolset: development and production.

By default, all Gulp tasks will run in development mode. This means that you get all sourcemaps and uncompressed build assets this is also true of the main build task.

To enable production mode, simple pass --production or --prod to the Gulp task you are running. Further information about what production mode does on a per-task basis can be found below.




Compiles your SASS and places it into the configured css directory.

It also pipes your styles through AutoPrefixer, using the provided browser configuration.

Development mode

  • Sourcemaps will be generated.

Production mode

  • Sourcemaps are not generated.
  • Output CSS is minified.



Compiles your JavaScript and/or TypeScript and places it into the configured js directory.

If es2015 is set to true, then your scripts will be piped through the TypeScript transpiler. This will optimise your code, as well as enable the following:

  • Ability to write ES2015 compliant code
  • Ability to write TypeScript compliant code.

Please note, that this does NOT include module loading. There is no module loader available with these tools at this time.

Development mode

  • Sourcemaps will be generated

Production mode

  • Sourcemaps will not be generated
  • Output JS is minified with Uglify. Variables are not truncated as it tends to break Drupal.behaviors.


Lints your scripts using ESLint and TSLint (if using TypeScript). Configuration files are loaded by searching parent directories relative to the scripts being linted, so generally if you want to override them

  • simply place a configuration file in your theme directory. In no .eslintrc file is provided; ESLint will use the default configuration that ships with Drupal (if using Drupal 8). If you're writing ES2015; you'll also want a custom .eslintrc file.

Development mode

  • Linting failure will not break return an error code.

Production mode*

  • Linting failure will prevent the build from continuing.



Compress and optimise all images.

There are no differences between development and production mode for this task.


Copy all fonts found in the src directory to the dest directory.

There are no differences between development and production mode for this task.



Remove any and all assets from the destination directory of each resource type.

There are no differences between development and production mode for this task.


Run any linting and testing tasks, and then run build tasks providing the test tasks complete. At the time of writing, the task breakdown is as follows. Note; all tasks on the same level are run in parallel. Different levels denote series based tasks.

  • build:clean
    • lint:scripts
      • build:scripts
      • build:styles
      • build:images
      • build:fonts

Development/production mode

  • All development mode settings for each individual task apply as they are run. For example, in development mode; sourcemaps are generated, and the output is not compressed for scripts and styles.


  • Ensure there are tests where possible
  • In lieu of a formal styleguide; follow existing formatting, and ensure ESLint doesn't fail.
  • Document your changes.
npm i deck-task-registry


  • MIT
  • >=6.0.0
  • Matt Chapman
  • released 2/27/2017

