
Node packaging of Meteor's SRP implementation
srp ddp meteor


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Library for Secure Remote Password (SRP) exchanges.

###SRP.generateVerifier(password, options)

Generate a new SRP verifier. Password is the plaintext password.

options is optional and can include:

  • identity: String. The SRP username to user. Mostly this is passed in for testing. Random UUID if not provided.
  • salt: String. A salt to use. Mostly this is passed in for testing. Random UUID if not provided.
  • SRP parameters (see _defaults and paramsFromOptions below)


Generate a new SRP client object. Password is the plaintext password.

options is optional and can include:

  • a: client's private ephemeral value. String or BigInteger. Normally, this is picked randomly, but it can be passed in for testing.
  • SRP parameters (see _defaults and paramsFromOptions below)


Initiate an SRP exchange.

returns { A: 'client public ephemeral key. hex encoded integer.' }


Respond to the server's challenge with a proof of password.

challenge is an object with

  • B: server public ephemeral key. hex encoded integer.
  • identity: user's identity (SRP username).
  • salt: user's salt.

returns { M: 'client proof of password. hex encoded integer.' }

throws an error if it got an invalid challenge.


Verify server's confirmation message.

confirmation is an object with

  • HAMK: server's proof of password.

returns true or false.

###SRP.Server(verifier, options)

Generate a new SRP server object.

options is optional and can include:

  • b: server's private ephemeral value. String or BigInteger. Normally, this is picked randomly, but it can be passed in for testing.
  • SRP parameters (see _defaults and paramsFromOptions below)


Issue a challenge to the client.

Takes a request from the client containing:

  • A: hex encoded int.

Returns a challenge with:

  • B: server public ephemeral key. hex encoded integer.
  • identity: user's identity (SRP username).
  • salt: user's salt.

Throws an error if issued a bad request.


Verify a response from the client and return confirmation.

Takes a challenge response from the client containing:

  • M: client proof of password. hex encoded int.

Returns a confirmation if the client's proof is good:

  • HAMK: server proof of password. hex encoded integer. OR null if the client's proof doesn't match.


 * Default parameter values for SRP.
var _defaults = {
  hash: function (x) { return SHA256(x).toLowerCase(); },
  N: new BigInteger("EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C9C256576D674DF7496EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE48E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8EF4AD69B15D4982559B297BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA9AFD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3", 16),
  g: new BigInteger("2")
_defaults.k = new BigInteger(
    _defaults.N.toString(16) +


 * Process an options hash to create SRP parameters.
 * Options can include:
 * - hash: Function. Defaults to SHA256.
 * - N: String or BigInteger. Defaults to 1024 bit value from RFC 5054
 * - g: String or BigInteger. Defaults to 2.
 * - k: String or BigInteger. Defaults to hash(N, g)
var paramsFromOptions = function (options) {
  if (!options) // fast path
    return _defaults;

  var ret = _.extend({}, _defaults);

  _.each(['N', 'g', 'k'], function (p) {
    if (options[p]) {
      if (typeof options[p] === "string")
        ret[p] = new BigInteger(options[p], 16);
      else if (options[p] instanceof BigInteger)
        ret[p] = options[p];
        throw new Error("Invalid parameter: " + p);

  if (options.hash)
    ret.hash = function (x) { return options.hash(x).toLowerCase(); };

  if (!options.k && (options.N || options.g || options.hash)) {
    ret.k = ret.hash(ret.N.toString(16) + ret.g.toString(16));

  return ret;
npm i ddp-srp


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • emgee
  • released 5/24/2014

