
Responsible for providing an interface-datastore compliant api to pubsub
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Responsible for providing an interface-datastore compliant api to pubsub

Table of contents


$ npm i datastore-pubsub

Browser <script> tag

Loading this module through a script tag will make it's exports available as DatastorePubsub in the global namespace.

<script src=""></script>


import { PubSubDatastore } from 'datastore-pubsub'

const dsPubsub = new PubSubDatastore(pubsub, datastore, peerId, validator)



new PubSubDatastore(pubsub, datastore, peerId, validator, subscriptionKeyFn)

Creates a DatastorePubsub instance.


  • pubsub (Object): implementation of a pubsub (must have publish and subscribe functions), such as libp2p/pubsub.
  • datastore (Object): datastore compliant with interface-datastore, such as datastore-fs.
  • peerId (PeerId Instance): peer identifier object.
  • validator (Object): containing validate function and select function.
  • subscriptionKeyFn (function): function to manipulate the key topic received according to the needs, as well as to block the message received to be published.

Note: validator object must be composed by two functions, validate (record: uint8Array, peerId: PeerId) => boolean and select (received: uint8Array, current: uint8Array) => boolean. validate aims to verify if a new record received by pubsub is valid to be stored locally by the node. If it is valid and the node already has a local record stored, select is the function provided to be responsible for deciding which record is the best (newer) between the already stored and the received through pubsub. A validator example can be found at: TODO (js-ipns)

const dsPubsub = new DatastorePubsub(pubsub, datastore, peerId, validator)


const buf = await dsPubsub.get(key)

Try to subscribe a topic with Pubsub and receive the current local value if available.


  • key (Uint8Array): a key representing a unique identifier of the object to subscribe.

Returns Promise<Uint8Array> containing the most recent known record stored.


await dsPubsub.put(key, val)

Publishes a value through pubsub.


  • key (Uint8Array): a key representing a unique identifier of the object to publish.
  • val (Uint8Array): value to be propagated.

Returns Promise<void>


await dsPubsub.unsubscribe(key)

Unsubscribe a previously subscribe value.


  • key (Uint8Array): a key representing a unique identifier of the object to publish.

Returns Promise<void>

API Docs


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