
Dashbi is light framework that lets you build own dashboards corresponding your needs
dashboard framework kpi graphs node.js vue.js nedb standalone lightweight and 1 more...


License: ISC

Dashbi is light framework that lets you build own dashboards corresponding your needs.

Quick Start

Deploying the simplest dashboard that will show Dashbi version:

const Dashbi = require('dasbhi').Dashbi;
const dashboard = new Dashbi();

Wonna more? Dive into documentation then! :)



Browsers/Hardware Support

Initially project was intended to work with all modern browsers that supports the CSS Grid Layout, but it seems that a lot of TV screens with embeded web browsers don't support it. This is why project aims to work with older browsers like:

  • Firefox 28+
  • Chrome 21+
  • IE 11
  • Edge 12+
  • Safari 6.1+
  • Opera 12.1+
  • iOS Safari 7+
  • Android Browser 4.4+
  • Samsung Browser 4+

Tested with following TV web browsers:

  • Samsung Browser 1.0 on Tizen Linux


This project is using Semver v2.0.0.

Credits and Thanks

  • Project is inspired by no longer maintained Dashing project

  • Used libraries (check package.json to see whole list):

    • Express - A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework
    • NeDB - Embedded persistent or in memory database for Node.js
    • StompBrokerJS - Simple Node.js STOMP 1.1 broker for embedded usage
    • STOMP.js - Stomp client for Web browsers and Node.js applications
    • axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js
    • Vue.js - Progressive framework for building user interfaces
    • Vuex - A state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications
    • Vue Router - Official router for Vue.js
    • Webpack - A module bundler
    • Babel - The compiler for next generation JavaScript
    • ajv - The fastest JSON Schema Validator
  • Thanks to my employer - Bitbar

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2019 Marek Sierociński.

Released under the ICS license.

npm i dashbi


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Marek Sierociński
  • released 9/24/2019

