
Reverse minimist. Convert an object of options into an array of command-line arguments.
reverse minimist options arguments args flags cli nopt commander and 11 more...


Reverse minimist. Convert an object of options into an array of command-line arguments.

Useful when spawning command-line tools.


$ npm install dargs


import dargs from 'dargs';

const object = {
    _: ['some', 'option'],          // Values in '_' will be appended to the end of the generated argument list
    '--': ['separated', 'option'],  // Values in '--' will be put at the very end of the argument list after the escape option (`--`)
    foo: 'bar',
    hello: true,                    // Results in only the key being used
    cake: false,                    // Prepends `no-` before the key
    camelCase: 5,                   // CamelCase is slugged to `camel-case`
    multiple: ['value', 'value2'],  // Converted to multiple arguments
    pieKind: 'cherry',
    sad: ':('

const excludes = ['sad', /.*Kind$/];  // Excludes and includes accept regular expressions
const includes = ['camelCase', 'multiple', 'sad', /^pie.*/];
const aliases = {file: 'f'};

console.log(dargs(object, {excludes}));

console.log(dargs(object, {excludes, includes}));

console.log(dargs(object, {includes}));

    foo: 'bar',
    hello: true,
    file: 'baz'
}, {aliases}));
    '-f', 'baz'


dargs(object, options?)


Type: object

Object to convert to command-line arguments.


Type: object


Type: Array<string | RegExp>

Keys or regex of keys to exclude. Takes precedence over includes.


Type: Array<string | RegExp>

Keys or regex of keys to include.


Type: object

Maps keys in object to an aliased name. Matching keys are converted to arguments with a single dash (-) in front of the aliased key and the value in a separate array item. Keys are still affected by includes and excludes.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Setting this to false makes it return the key and value as separate array items instead of using a = separator in one item. This can be useful for tools that doesn't support --foo=bar style flags.

import dargs from 'dargs';

console.log(dargs({foo: 'bar'}, {useEquals: false}));
    '--foo', 'bar'

Type: boolean
Default: true

Make a single character option key {a: true} become a short flag -a instead of --a.

import dargs from 'dargs';

console.log(dargs({a: true}));
//=> ['-a']

console.log(dargs({a: true}, {shortFlag: false}));
//=> ['--a']

Type: boolean
Default: false

Exclude true values. Can be useful when dealing with argument parsers that only expect negated arguments like --no-foo.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Exclude false values. Can be useful when dealing with strict argument parsers that throw on unknown arguments like --no-foo.


Type: boolean
Default: false

By default, camel-cased keys will be hyphenated. Enabling this will bypass the conversion process.

import dargs from 'dargs';

console.log(dargs({fooBar: 'baz'}));
//=> ['--foo-bar', 'baz']

console.log(dargs({fooBar: 'baz'}, {allowCamelCase: true}));
//=> ['--fooBar', 'baz']

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npm i dargs


  • MIT
  • >=12
  • Sindre Sorhus
  • released 6/30/2021

