
:zap: Run Lighthouse audit directly in your E2E test suites.

Run Lighthouse and Pa11y audits directly in Cypress test suites

License: MIT

Why cypress-audit?

We have the chance of being able to use powerful tools to automated and prevent from different kind of regressions:

  • Cypress has made business oriented automated verifications easy
  • Lighthouse has provided tools and metrics concerning applications performances
  • Pa11y has provided tools to analyze and improve the accessibility status of applications

While these tools are amazingly powerful and helpful, I'm always feeling in pain when I try to use all of them in my projects.

For example, how can I verify the performance and accessibility status of a page requiring authentication? I have to tweak Lighthouse and Pa11y configurations (that are different) and adjust my workflows accordingly.

This is cumbersome because I already have my authentication logic and shortcuts managed by Cypress: why should I add more complexity in my tests?

The idea behind cypress-audit is to aggregate all the underlying configurations behind dedicated Cypress custom commands: you can benefit from your own custom commands and you can run cross-cutting verifications directly inside your tests.



In order to make cypress-audit commands available in your project, there are 3 steps to follow:

Installing the dependency

In your favorite terminal:

$ yarn add -D cypress-audit
# or
$ npm install --save-dev cypress-audit

Preparing the server configuration

By default, if you try to run Lighthouse or Pa11y from the command line (or from Nodejs), you will see that they both open a new web browser window by default. As you may also know, Cypress also opens a dedicated browser to run its tests.

The following configuration allows Lighthouse, Pa11y and Cypress to make their verifications inside the same browser (controlled by Cypress) instead of opening a new one.

In the cypress/plugins/index.js file, make sure to have:

const { lighthouse, pa11y, prepareAudit } = require("cypress-audit");

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  on("before:browser:launch", (browser = {}, launchOptions) => {

  on("task", {
    lighthouse: lighthouse(), // calling the function is important
    pa11y: pa11y(), // calling the function is important

Making Cypress aware of the commands

When adding the following line in the cypress/support/commands.js file, you will be able to use cy.lighthouse and cy.pa11y inside your Cypress tests:

import "cypress-audit/commands";

In your code

After completing the Preparation section, you can use the cy.lighthouse and cy.pa11y commands:

it("should pass the audits", function () {

ℹ️ When running the different audits, a new tab will open. It's normal. Lighthouse works that way and I don't think we can manage this otherwise (if you know how, please reach out to me :pray:).

Accessing the raw reports

When using custom tools, it can be convenient to directly access the raw information they provide for doing manual things, such as generating a custom reports.

To do so, you can pass a callback function to the task initializer. Then, when an audit is run, this callback will we executed with the raw data of the underlying tool.

In the cypress/plugins/index.js file:

const { lighthouse, pa11y, prepareAudit } = require("cypress-audit");

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  on("before:browser:launch", (browser = {}, launchOptions) => {

  on("task", {
    lighthouse: lighthouse((lighthouseReport) => {
      console.log(lighthouseReport); // raw lighthouse reports
    pa11y: pa11y((pa11yReport) => {
      console.log(pa11yReport); // raw pa11y reports


In order to verify the state of this projects, automated tests are run on CI on examples projects. These projects are located in the examples folder and contain audits for:

If you have a specific configuration or are running using a specific tool, you can add a project example and make it part of the CI process.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Marvin FRACHET
  • released 3/11/2020

