
Cubism Graphs rendered using React

Cubism, React!

Welcome to Cubism, this time React-ified.

What is a Cubism?

Cubism graphs are high-density charts that are super useful for dashboarding whilst keeping a higher resolution. See Square's Cubism.js documentation for more information on the charts and how they're better than line charts for high-density dashboarding.

How do I use this?

There's an example inside the demos folder, we will be adding to the demos as we progress with the project.

Also see the generated storybook.

Further documentation is incoming.

Development flow

  • npm install --dev
  • npx gulp dev to automatically rebuild artefacts with a live http server for the demos
  • Make changes
  • Test changes
  • Create a PR

Useful Gulp targets

  • default (npx gulp): Clean the dist directory and re-build all artefacts.
  • watch (npx gulp watch): Watch sources for changes and re-build all artefacts (will not clean the dist directory).
  • dev (npx gulp dev): Run a local dev server serving the demos/dist directory & re-build artefacts on changes (a la watch).

I found a bug!

Great! Create an issue, and if you can: submit a PR!

npm i cubism-react


