
High-level stats for stylesheets
CSS Performance Stats cssstats


Parses stylesheets and returns an object with statistics. This is the core module used in cssstats.com


npm i --save cssstats



var fs = require('fs')
var cssstats = require('cssstats')

var css = fs.readFileSync('./styles.css', 'utf8')
var stats = cssstats(css)

PostCSS Plugin

CSS Stats can be used as a PostCSS plugin. The stats will be added to PostCSS's messages array.

var fs = require('fs')
var postcss = require('postcss')
var cssstats = require('cssstats')

var css = fs.readFileSync('./styles.css', 'utf8')
  .then(function (result) {
    result.messages.forEach(function (message) {


Options may be passed as a second argument.

var stats = cssstats(css, { mediaQueries: false })
  • safe (boolean, default: true) - enables PostCSS safe mode for parsing CSS with syntax errors
  • mediaQueries (boolean, default true) - determines whether or not to generate stats for each media query block
  • importantDeclarations (boolean, default false) - include an array of declarations with !important

The following options add the results of helper methods to the returned object. This is helpful when using JSON.stringify().

  • specificityGraph (boolean, default false)
  • sortedSpecificityGraph (boolean, default false)
  • repeatedSelectors (boolean, default false)
  • propertyResets (boolean, default false)
  • vendorPrefixedProperties (boolean, default false)

Returned Object

// Example
  size: n,
  gzipSize: n,
  rules: {
    total: n,
    size: {
      graph: [n],
      max: n,
      average: n
  selectors: {
    total: n,
    id: n,
    class: n,
    type: n,
    pseudoClass: n,
    psuedoElement: n,
    values: [str],
    specificity: {
      max: n
      average: n
  declarations: {
    total: n,
    unique: n,
    uniqueToTotalRatio: n,
    important: [obj],
      prop: [str]
  mediaQueries: {
    total: n,
    unique: n,
    values: [str],
    contents: [
        value: str,
        rules: {
          total: n,
          size: {
            graph: [n],
            max: n,
            average: n
        selectors: {
          total: n,
          id: n,
          class: n,
          type: n,
          pseudoClass: n,
          pseudoElement: n,
          values: [str],
          specificity: {
            max: n,
            average: n
        declarations: {
          total: n,
          unique: n,
          important: [obj],
          vendorPrefix: n,
          properties: {
            prop: [str]

size number

The size of the file in bytes

gzipSize number

The size of the stylesheet gzipped in bytes

rules object

  • total number - total number of rules
  • size object
    • size.graph array - ruleset sizes (number of declarations per rule) in source order
    • size.max number - maximum ruleset size
    • size.average number - average ruleset size

selectors object

  • total number - total number of selectors
  • type number - total number of type selectors
  • class number - total number of class selectors
  • id number - total number of id selectors
  • pseudoClass number - total number of pseudo class selectors
  • pseudoElement number - total number of pseudo element selectors
  • values array - array of strings for all selectors
  • specificity object
    • specificity.max number - maximum specificity as a base 10 number
    • specificity.average number - average specificity as a base 10 number
  • getSpecificityGraph() function - returns an array of numbers for each selector’s specificity as a base 10 number
  • getSpecificityValues() function - returns an array of selectors with base 10 specificity score in order
  • getRepeatedValues() function - returns an array of strings of repeated selectors
  • getSortedSpecificity() function - returns an array of selectors with base 10 specificity score, sorted from highest to lowest

declarations object

  • total number - total number of declarations
  • unique number - total unique declarations
  • uniqueToTotalRatio number - ratio of unique declarations to total declarations
  • properties object - object with each unique property and an array of that property’s values
  • getPropertyResets() function - returns an object with the number of times margin or padding is reset for each property
  • getUniquePropertyCount(property) function - returns the number of unique values for the given property
  • getPropertyValueCount(property, value) function - returns the number of times a declaration occurs for the given property and value
  • getVendorPrefixed() function - returns an array of declarations with vendor prefixed properties
  • getAllFontSizes() function - returns an array of font sizes from both font-size and font shorthand declarations
  • getAllFontFamilies() function - returns an array of font families from both font-family and font shorthand declarations
  • important array (optional) - !important declaration objects with property and value

mediaQueries object

  • total number - total number of media queries
  • unique number - total unique media queries
  • values array - array of values for each media query
  • contents array - array of media query blocks with full stats object for each

See the /test/results folder for example JSON results.

Usage examples

var cssstats = require('cssstats')
var stats = cssstats(css)

Generate a specificity graph

var specificityGraph = stats.selectors.getSpecificityGraph()

Sort selectors by highest specificity

var sortedSelectors = stats.selectors.getSortedSpecificity()

Get total number of unique colors

var uniqueColorsCount = stats.declarations.getUniquePropertyCount('color')

display: none count

var displayNoneCount = stats.declarations.getPropertyValueCount(




  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
npm i cssstats


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Brent Jackson
  • released 4/5/2022

