
A crude build utility for single file JavaScript projects
bundler javascript


CrudeBuild.js is a simple JavaScript build tool designed to handle minification and header generation tasks for single file libraries, with no configuration needed. It supports the generation of CommonJS and ES module exports.


  • Minification: Automatically minifies your JavaScript files for optimized production builds.
  • Header Generation: Extracts metadata from your package.json file to generate headers for your build output.
  • Zero Configuration: Works out of the box without any need for configuration files.
  • Zero Dependencies: Lightweight and self-contained with no external dependencies.
  • CommonJS and ESM Export Generation: Automatically generates both CommonJS (.cjs) and ES module (.mjs) exports for easy module consumption.


Install CrudeBuild.js using npm:

npm install crude-build


Once installed, you can add it to the scripts of your package.json :

 "build": "crude-build ModuleName",

By default, CrudeBuild.js will:

  1. Create browser JavaScript files that get minified using Closure Compiler.
  2. Generate output files in the dist/ folder.
  3. Add a header to the output file, which includes metadata (name, version, author) from your package.json.
  4. Create both .cjs (CommonJS) and .mjs (ES Module) files in the dist/ folder for cross-environment compatibility.

Copyright and licensing

Copyright (c) 2025, Robert Eisele Licensed under the MIT license.


  • MIT
  • *
  • Robert Eisele
  • released 10/8/2024

