
credential status aggregator for did-jwt
Verifiable Credential W3C status check revocation jwt



A status method aggregator for verifiable credentials.


Given a JWT credential that embeds a status property, it should call the appropriate status checking method and return its result. This library is meant to be used with did-jwt, as a status method aggregator called during the verification step.


A JWT with a status field in the field:

  "credentialStatus": {
    "id": "mainnet:0xStatusRegistryAddress",
    "type": "EthrStatusRegistry2019"
  "iss": "did:ethr:0x...",
  "vc": {
import { EthrStatusRegistry } from 'ethr-status-registry'
import { Status } from 'credential-status'
//...other JWT verification inits

const status = new Status({ EthrStatusRegistry(config).asStatusMethod,

const verificationResult = await didJWT.verifyJWT(token, resolver)
const didDoc = verificationResult.doc

const result = await status.checkStatus(token, didDoc)
// result: { "revokedAt": "0x5348684" }

The individual methods used to check for the status need to implement a checkStatus method and are expected to use the provided issuer DID document to help generate a result.


There is no standard format for the result of a status check. It is up to the method implementer to provide their own, and ultimately up to verifiers of credentials to determine which methods they support or accept.

Known methods

The only known implementation of a credential-status method is the ethr-status-registry which uses an ethereum smart contract to register revocations of credentials.

If you implement your own status check, feel free to submit a link to it here.

