
Create and deploy Truffle projects with no configuration.
solidity truffle dapp smart-contracts ethereum zero-configuration blockchain cli deployment and 1 more...

Create Truffle Dapp


The goal of Create Truffle Dapp is to help developers create and deploy Truffle projects with no configuration. Create Truffle Dapp will:

  • Create your Truffle project, with a template contract, a test file and the corresponding migrations files
  • Create a ready-to-use deployment file using your Infura project ID and a wallet mnemonic
  • Also, a Solidity linter (such as Solhint or Solium) configuration file can also be created.

Create Truffle Dapp should work on Windows, Macos and Linux. Please open an issue if something doesn't work.

Before you begin

First of all, please be sure to have node, npm and Truffle installed on your computer. You may also need linters, such as Solhint, Solium or ESLint.


Install Create Truffle Dapp globally with:

npm install -g create-truffle-dapp

Some users (using macOS) may need to start this command with sudo and enter their password.


To create a new project in the current directory, launch your terminal and run:

create-truffle-dapp MyDapp

Create Truffle Dapp will then ask you if you want to set an Infura project ID, a mnemonic and if you want to use a Solidity linter. All of these steps are optional and you will be able to change or install things later.

Once the installation is done, you can open your project with:

cd MyDapp

Then, you will be able to run any command like npm install openzeppelin-solidity, truffle test or truffle compile.

Once you are done with your code, simply run truffle migrate --network rinkeby (or any network) to deploy your dapp! Currently, gateways for Ropsten, Rinkeby, Goerli, Mainnet, Poa and Sokol are already implemented!

Warning: Please always double-check the gas amount and the gas price in the truffle.js file before any deployment!


If you want to contribute, don't hesitate to create a new issue!


Create Truffle Dapp is an open source software licensed as MIT.

npm i create-truffle-dapp


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • clemlak
  • released 4/27/2019

