
A toolkit for creating React component libraries and style guides
development react styleguide style guide component library tooling


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create-react-styleguide (a la create-react-app) is a tool for quickly generating styleguides and component libraries.


Generate your first project with the following command:

npx create-react-styleguide new my-new-styleguide

Projects are generated and configured with working styleguide documentation. To start your styleguide server run the following:

cd my-new-styleguide && npm start

Finally visit http://localhost:6060 to view your living styleguide!


You can see all options for project generation with the following command:

npx create-react-styleguide --help


By default, the project will be built with the latest caret (^) version of all dependencies. If this configuration fails, use the --stable flag to generate with a known working configuration.

npx create-react-styleguide new my-new-styleguide --stable

NPM Scripts

Generated projects include the following npm scripts out of the box:

Script Description
npm start Start the styleguide server on http://localhost:6060
npm run build Build the component library to the dist folder
npm run build:styleguide Build the styleguide to the styleguide folder
npm run build:watch Watch the src folder for changes and run the build script
npm run clean Clean generated folders
npm run eslint Run eslint on all .js and .jsx files in the src folder
npm run eslint:fix Run eslint with the --fix option
npm test Run unit tests
npm run test:coverage Run unit tests with code coverage
npm run test:update Update unit test snapshots
npm run test:watch Run unit tests while watching for changes

Document Styleguide

By default, we expose some meta data from your package.json file at the top of your styleguide -- at the very least, make sure you set the "version", "homepage", and "author" properties. You can further document your library with markdown files using the sections configuration from React Styleguidist. By convention, additional markdown documentation should go in the docs folder so that they get properly packaged when linking multiple styleguides.

Customized style guide

Modify Rollup Config

You can customize Rollup configuration to your requirements. In example, you can update rollup.config.js with a sample plugin and a banner for each output file.

const { rollupConfig } = require('create-react-styleguide');
+const sampleRollupPlugin = require('sample-rollup-plugin');

module.exports = {

+    output: {
+        ...rollupConfig.output,
+        banner: '/* (c) My Company Inc. */',
+    },

+    plugins: [
+        ...rollupConfig.plugins,
+        sampleRollupPlugin(),
+    ],

Modify Babel Config

You can customize Babel configuration to your requirements. In example, you can add SVG support with the inline-react-svg babel plugin. npm i --save-dev babel-plugin-inline-react-svg and then update babel.config.js file as follows:

const { babelConfig } = require('create-react-styleguide');

module.exports = {
+    plugins: [
+        ...babelConfig.plugins,
+        'inline-react-svg',
+    ],

You should now be able to import and use SVGs as if they were react components!

Modify Jest Config

You can customize Jest configuration to your requirements. In example, you can update jest.config.js with new threshold values.

const { jestConfig } = require('create-react-styleguide');

module.exports = {
+    coverageThreshold: {
+        global: {
+            branches: 80,
+            functions: 80,
+            lines: 80,
+            statements: 80,
+        },
+    },

Styleguide Config

Require the module:

// styleguide.config.js
const { createStyleguideConfig } = require('create-react-styleguide');

createStyleguideConfig(config, options)

Creates a React Styleguidist configuration object with some default configuration.

  • config [object] - A configuration object to be shallowly merged with the rest of the configuration
  • options.styleguides [array] - An array of CRS npm modules (the module must be installed as a dependency to your project)
  • options.packageSection [boolean] - Include package.json details as a top level section (default: true)
  • options.packageSectionComponents [boolean] - Include components configuration in the top-level package section (default: false)
  • options.componentsSection [boolean] - Include components configuration as its own separate section (default: true)

Linking Styleguides

A useful feature of create-react-styleguide is the ability to link multiple CRS component libraries into a single project. This means that separate teams can manage and own their own individual CRS libraries, and then bring them all together into a master project for broader visibility.

For a styleguide to be linked, it must first be published to npm. Running npm publish will build and publish your component library so that it can be consumed by the master project.

From the master project, first install the published CRS module. Second, you will want to add a styleguides property to the options of your createStyleguideConfig function in styleguide.config.js.

 const { createStyleguideConfig } = require('create-react-styleguide');

 module.exports = createStyleguideConfig({
     /* your own config shallowly merged here */
+}, {
+    styleguides: [
+        '@zillow/my-first-component-library',
+        '@zillow/my-second-component-library'
+    ]

That's it! Running npm start will now show components from all linked libraries.

Linked style guide

Deploying Styleguide to GitHub Pages

Install the gh-pages module:

npm i --save-dev gh-pages

Add the following scripts to your package.json:

 "scripts": {
+  "predeploy": "npm run build:styleguide",
+  "deploy": "gh-pages -d styleguide"

Running npm run deploy will now deploy your styleguide to Github Pages!

Environment Variables


All config files will log their results to the console when the DEBUG environment variable is set to any non-empty value (such as true or 1). A quick way to see the configuration these functions are creating is to run the following:

DEBUG=true node styleguide.config.js


DEBUG=true node jest.config.js


By default, npm start will run the react-styleguidist server on its default port, 6060. To change this, set the PORT environment variable to your custom value:

PORT=12345 npm start

Under the covers

create-react-styleguide leverages react-styleguidist under the covers for its living style guide.

Builds are created by running the src directory through Rollup and Babel. The build will create 4 bundles, dev and prod for CJS and ESM formats. An application, which imports your package, will select a correct bundle, based on node environment and bundler capabilities. In example, ESM for Vite or CJS for Webpack 4.

Migration Guide from 7x to 8x

Please read our migration guide to streamline your update efforts.

npm i create-react-styleguide


  • ISC
  • >=14.9.0
  • Brian Stone
  • released 8/18/2022
