
An API utility belt for request.


An API utility belt for request.

Build Status

Cork is a minimal layer that sits on top of the request module and adds a few patterns that make working with 3rd party APIs simpler.


npm install cork

Basic Use

var cork = require('cork');

// First, let's register a new service with the name "buzz" and a few defaults
cork.register('buzz', {
    'method':   'get',
    'headers':  {
        'x-api-key': 'someApiKeyGoesHere'
    'json':     {}
    'timeout':  20000

// Next, let's make a request based on that service
cork.request('buzz', {
    'uri':      ''
}, function (err, body) {
    console.dir(body); // Woo!

// Neato! But let's say we want to create another request and override some of the defaults
cork.request('buzz', {
    'method':   'post'
    'uri':      '',
    'json':     {
        'foo': 'bar'
}, function (err, body) {
    console.dir(body); // Huzzah!

Base URIs

A base URI can be defined during registration by passing the optional base parameter:

cork.register('dork', {
    base: '',

cork.request('dork', {
    uri: '/yet/another/resource'
}, function (err, body) {
    // Weee! 

API Limits / Throttling

When registering a service, Cork accepts an optional throttle parameter which represents a request limit expressed in milliseconds. Any requests that subsequently hit the throttle limit will be queued and processed in FIFO order. For example, let's say that we are working with an API that only accepts 10 requests per second:

cork.register('geek', {
    throttle: 100   // 1 request per 100 milliseconds


npm test
npm i cork


  • Unknown
  • >=0.6
  • Andrew Sliwinski
  • released 10/31/2012

