
The plugin allows your Android app to read data from a biometric passport.
ecosystem:cordova cordova-android

#Passport Reader Cordova Plugin

The plugin allows your Android app to read data from a biometric passport.


  1. Clone the plugin source from Github:

     git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Install the plugin in your Cordova project replacing path/to/plugin with the location of the plugin you cloned in the previous step:

     cordova plugin add path/to/plugin
  3. Build your project:

     cordova build android

Scanning Passports

// This object holds the information needed to start the scan
var bacSpec = {
    // Passport number
    "documentNumber": "123456789",
    // Date of birth of the passport holder in YYYY-MM-DD format
    "dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01",
    // Passport's date of expiry in YYYY-MM-DD format
    "dateOfExpiry": "2030-01-01",
// Start the scan
passportreader.scanPassport(bacSpec).then(function(result) {
    if (result == null) {
        // The user canceled the scan
    // See module documentation for result properties:
}).catch(function(error) {
    // The scan failed

Detecting a Face in the Result's Image

You can use the scan result's image for face detection using the Ver-ID plugin.

After installing the Ver-ID plugin following the instructions above Ver-ID will be available in window.verid.

See the Face type documentation for the properties of the returned face. You can pass the face's faceTemplate to Ver-ID's compareFaceTemplates function.

var passportFaceTemplate;

// Load Ver-ID
verid.load("myApiSecret").then(function() {
    // Scan the passport
    return passportreader.scanPassport(bacSpec);
}).then(function(result) {
    if (result == null) {
        // The user canceled the scan
    // Detect face in the passport image
    return verid.detectFaceInImage(result.image);
}).then(function(face) {
    if (!face) {
        // Canceled scan
    passportFaceTemplate = face.faceTemplate;
    var settings = new verid.LivenessDetectionSessionSettings();
    settings.includeFaceTemplatesInResult = true;
    return verid.captureLiveFace(settings);
}).then(function(result) {
    if (!result || result.outcome == verid.SessionOutcome.CANCEL) {
        // Canceled session
    if (result.outcome == verid.SessionOutcome.SUCCESS) {
        return verid.compareFaceTemplates(result.getFaces(verid.Bearing.STRAIGHT)[0].faceTemplate, passportFaceTemplate);
    } else {
        throw new Error(result.outcome);
}).then(function(score) {
    alert("Similarity score: "+score);
}).catch(function(error) {

API Reference

Module documentation

npm i cordova-plugin-passport-reader


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • AppliedRecognition
  • released 8/31/2019

