
BlackBerry 10 Community Contributed API for cryptographic functions (hash, PRNG, AES block cipher)
blackberry crypto encrypt decrypt hash SHA prng AES cipher and 4 more...

GSE Crypto

This extension allows WebWorks code to call features of the cryptographic library included in BlackBerry 10.

Currently implemented algorithms include:

  • Pseudo-Random Number Generator
  • Cryptographic Hash Functions
    • MD5 (not recommended for cryptographic use)
    • SHA1 (not recommended for cryptographic use)
    • SHA2 (224/256/384/512 bits)
  • Block Ciphers
    • AES 128/192/256 in CBC or EBC modes
    • DES in CBC or EBC modes
    • 3DES in CBC or ECB modes

Getting Started


Use this cryptographic library at your own risk. While native functions are FIPS validated, it's possible that this extension has introduced errors, unlikely as that may seem. In addition, if you plan to use any of these functions, make sure that you know what you are doing: the security of these algorithms means nothing if they are poorly used. As an example, while ECB mode is available for supported block ciphers, it should never be used in a practical application (To see why; check out this wikipedia page).

How To Install The Plugin

This API can be installed from source or from NPM. Installation from NPM is done through the following:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-bb-crypto

Installation from source is the same but instead of the id ("cordova-plugin-bb-crypto"), use the file system path to the source plugin folder.


Cryptographic data is binary. You need to be clear on which bytes you want to work with. For this reason the extension accepts data as hexadecimal (hex) or Base64 (b64) encoding of the bytes.

Hexadecimal is easier to work with since concatenating two values is as simple as concatenating the strings. Eg:

    "input" : {
        "hex" : "b0b5cafeb0b5cafeb0b5cafe"

Base64 is the preferred encoding of MIME. Some features of the Invocation Framework expect b64 encoded data. Data URIs have their b64 encoded. Eg:

    "input" : {
        "b64" : "sLXK/rC1yv6wtcr+"

Binary data coming back from the extension is available as in both encodings: hex and b64.


Errors will be given as a member of the result object. Eg:

    "error" : "This is the error message"


Current operations you can call are:

  • random
  • hash
  • encrypt
  • decrypt

The native API can be found here. The library contains a plethora of functions, and if there is something not yet implemented here that you would like to see, please feel free to make a request by commenting on this repository.


random expects an object containing only size, set to an integer (not a string), which is the number of bytes (not bits) of random data that is desired. Eg:

    "size" : 16

A response will have the output attribute set to the random data. Eg:

    "output" : {
        "b64" : "Tn7tXLqtt3BNPf6QxyRZZg==",
        "hex" : "4e7eed5cbaadb7704d3dfe90c7245966"


hash expects an object with algorithm (alg) and input data (input) set.

Algorithm options are: "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512"

Input can be hex, b64 (or both but only the hex will be used). Eg:

    "alg" : "sha256",
    "input" : {
        "hex" : "0123abcd"

The (non-error) output is an object with an attribute called output. Output itself is an object containing a hex and b64 encoding of the output. Eg:

    "output" : {


Encrypt expects an object with algorithm (alg) set. Each individual encryption implementation may expect more values to be set.

encrypt – AES

Encrypt – AES expects the following values:

  • Algorithm (alg)
  • Mode (mode) (only CBC and ECB modes are currently implemented)
  • Key (key) (128, 192, or 256 bits as hex or b64)
  • Initialization Vector (iv) (required for CBC mode only: 128-bits in hex or b64)
  • Data to encrypt (input) (hex or b64 in a multiple of 128-bits)


    "alg" : "aes",
    "mode" : "cbc",
    "key" : {
    "input" : {
    "iv" : {

If there are no errors, the output will be as follows:

    "output" : {

encrypt – DES

Encrypt – DES expects the following values:

  • Algorithm (alg)
  • Mode (mode) (only CBC and ECB modes are currently implemented)
  • Key (key1) (64 bits as hex or b64)
  • Initialization Vector (iv) (required for CBC mode only: 64 bits in hex or b64)
  • Data to encrypt (input) (hex or b64 in a multiple of 64-bits)


    "alg" : "des",
    "mode" : "ecb",
    "key1" : {
    "input" : {

Output format is the same as for AES.

encrypt – 3DES

Encrypt – 3DES expects the following values:

  • Algorithm (alg)
  • Mode (mode) (only CBC and ECB modes are currently implemented)
  • Key1 (key1) (64 bits as hex or b64)
  • Key2 (key2) (64 bits as hex or b64)
  • Key3 (key3) (64 bits as hex or b64)
  • Initialization Vector (iv) (required for CBC mode only: 64 bits in hex or b64)
  • Data to encrypt (input) (hex or b64 in a multiple of 64-bits)


    "alg" : "des",
    "mode" : "ecb",
    "key1" : {
    "key2" : {
    "key3" : {
    "input" : {

Output format is the same as for AES.


Decrypt expects an object with algorithm (alg) set. Unless otherwise specified below, decrypt expects and returns objects with the same requirements as the corresponding encrypt operation detailed above.


Security Builder GSE does not implement padding algorithms for block ciphers. Algorithms thus expect input of the appropriate block size only, and an error will result if this is not the case. There are many ways to pad data, but keep in mind that padding itself does not increase security. See wikipedia for an overview of existing padding schemes.

Usage Examples

See the sample app for examples of all operations in use.

npm i cordova-plugin-bb-crypto


  • Apache 2.0
  • Whatever
  • Rob Williams, Jim Wood
  • released 6/10/2015

