
Browserify-compatible module to get and set cookies in the browser using Storage API
cookie browser browserify


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Manage document.cookie using the Storage API.

NOTE: originally a fork of cookie-monster, itself a fork of cookie-cutter.


npm install cookiestorage


var cookieStorage = require('cookiestorage');
var cookie = cookieStorage(document);


Return a new cookie object with .getItem() and .setItem() operating on document.

The provided document should have a non-referentially transparent cookie property like the DOM's variant where assignment with optional path and expiry creates a new cookie in the getter as a key=value pair.

If document is not provided, uses the global document if it exists. Otherwise, creates a new plain object {cookie:''}.

If given a string, uses { cookie: givenString }.


Returns number of key/value pairs present in document.cookie


Returns the cookie value for key.

#setItem(key, value, options={})

Sets the cookie at key to value with additional options:


Returns the key (name) of the nth key/value pair in document.cookie. Order is dependent on browser implementation. May not be alphabetical, or even consistent. Use this with caution. (It is added solely for consistency with the Storage API.)


Removes the given key from document.cookie.


Clears document.cookie of all key/value pairs.

npm i cookiestorage


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jason Karns
  • released 5/3/2016

