
Special purpose Node streams
stream streams continuous

Continuous Streams

Stream classes with specific behavior:

  • continuous reading, i.e., it doesn't stop if there is temporarily no data available
  • configurable chunk size to read
  • specific error handling (error vs. skip/retry)
  • configurable parallel processing
  • timeouts
  • graceful shutdown after SIGTERM or SIGINT

main workflow Coverage Status Maintainability node code style Types License Status


npm install continuous-streams


This is a basic example (ES6/ES2015).

const { pipeline } = require('stream');
const { ContinuousReader, ContinuousWriter } = require('continuous-streams');

const reader = new ContinuousReader({
  chunkSize: 100, // default `50`
reader.readData = async (count) => {
  // read `count` items from resource
  // if rejects, a `skip` event is emitted (unless `skipOnError` is `false`)
  return items; // resolve with array of data items (can be empty)

const writer = new ContinuousWriter({
  parallelOps: 10, // max number of `writeData()` to fire off in parallel
writer.writeData = async (item) => {
  // process a single data item
  // if rejects, a `skip` event is emitted (unless `skipOnError` is `false`)

pipeline( // go!
  (error) => { ... }, // pipeline stopped

['SIGTERM', 'SIGINT'].forEach((eventType) => {
  process.on(eventType, () => reader.stop());

Or if you prefer TypeScript (types included):

import { pipeline } from "stream";
import { ContinuousReader, ContinuousWriter } from "continuous-streams";

const reader = new ContinuousReader<Foo>();
reader.readData = async (count: number): Promise<Foo[]> => {
  // ...
  return items;

const writer = new ContinuousWriter<Foo>();
writer.writeData = async (item: Foo): Promise<void> => {
  // ...

// ...

For this module to work, your TypeScript compiler options must include "target": "ES2015" (or later), "moduleResolution": "node", and "esModuleInterop": true.

Stream Classes

Class ContinuousReader

Extends stream.Readable. It reads from an underlying data source (objectMode only) -- please implement or assign readData() for that purpose. It does not end when the underlying data source is (temporarily) empty but waits for new data to arrive. It is robust/reluctant regarding (temporary) reading errors. It supports gracefully stopping the pipeline.


  • chunkSize - Whenever the number of objects in the internal buffer is dropping below chunkSize, a new chunk of data is read from the underlying resource. Higher means fewer polling but less real-time. Default is 50.
  • skipOnError - If true (default), a skip event is emitted when readData() rejects. If false, an error event is emitted when readData() rejects and the pipeline will stop. Default is true.
  • waitAfterEmpty - Delay in milliseconds if there is (temporarily) no data available. Default is 5000.
  • waitAfterLow - Delay in milliseconds if there is (temporarily) less data available than chunk size. Default is 1000.
  • waitAfterError - Delay in milliseconds if there is a (temporary) reading problem. Default is 10000.
  • autoStop - The intention of this package was to provide easy streaming without stopping the stream when the source is (temporarily) empty. But sometimes, however, this is exactly what you want. Default is false. Set to true to automatically and gracefully stop streaming when readData() returns no data or less than requested.


  • async readData(count) -- Reads count data items from the underlying resource. To be implemented or assigned. count is usually equals chunkSize. It resolves with an array of data items -- which may be empty if there is temporarily no data available. If it rejects, an error or skip event is emitted (depending on skipOnError).
  • stop() - To be called after SIGINT or SIGTERM for gracefully stopping the pipeline. The end event is emitted either immediately (if the read buffer is empty) or at the next reading attempt. Graceful shutdown means that all data that has been read so far will be fully processed throughout the entire pipeline. Example: process.on('SIGTERM', () => reader.stop()).


  • skip - When reading from the underlying resource failed (if skipOnError is true). The stream continues to read after a delay of waitAfterError. Example handler: reader.on('skip', ({ error }) => { ... }).
  • error - When reading from the underlying resource failed (if skipOnError is false). This will stop the pipeline. Example handler: reader.on('error', (error) => { ... }).
  • end - When stop() was called for gracefully stopping the pipeline.
  • close - When the stream is closed (as usual).
  • debug - After each successful reading attempt providing some debug information. Example handler: reader.on('debug', ({ items, requested, total, elapsed }) => { ... }). items is the number of read data items. requested is the number of requested data items (normally equals count). total is an overall counter. elapsed is the number of milliseconds of readData() to resolve.

Class ContinuousWriter

Extends stream.Writable. It processes data items (objectMode only) for some sort of write operation at the end of a pipeline -- please implement or assign writeData() for that purpose. It is robust/reluctant regarding errors. If skipOnError is true (default), an error during a write operation emits a skip event and stream processing will continue. If skipOnError is false, an error during a write operation emits an error event and stream processing will stop. Supports gracefully stopping the entire pipeline, i.e., it waits until all asynchronous operations in-flight are returned before emitting the finish event.


  • parallelOps - The max number of asynchronous writeData() operations to fire off in parallel. Default is 10.
  • skipOnError - If true (default), a skip event is emitted when writeData() rejects. If false, an error event is emitted when writeData() rejects and the pipeline will stop. Default is true.
  • timeoutMillis - Timeout in milliseconds for writeData(). Default is 60000.


  • async writeData(item) -- Processes a single data item. To be implemented or assigned. If it rejects, an error or skip event is emitted (depending on skipOnError).


  • skip - If skipOnError is true (default). Example handler: writer.on('skip', ({ data, error }) => { ... }).
  • error - If skipOnError is false. This will stop the pipeline.
  • finish - After graceful shutdown and all asynchronous write operations are returned.
  • close - After error or finish (as usual).
  • debug - After each successful write operation providing some debug information. Example handler: writer.on('debug', ({ inflight, total, elapsed }) => { ... }). inflight is the number of asynchronous writeData() operations currently inflight. total is an overall counter. elapsed is the number of milliseconds of writeData() to resolve.

Class ContinuousTransformer

Extends stream.Transform. It processes data items (objectMode only) for some sort of transform operation in the midst of a pipeline -- please implement or assign transformData() for that purpose. It is robust/reluctant regarding errors. If skipOnError is true (default), an error during a transform operation emits a skip event and stream processing will continue. If skipOnError is false, an error during a transform operation emits an error event and stream processing will stop.


  • parallelOps - The max number of asynchronous transformData() operations to fire off in parallel. Default is 10.
  • skipOnError - If true (default), a skip event is emitted when transformData() rejects. If false, an error event is emitted when transformData() rejects and the pipeline will stop. Default is true.
  • timeoutMillis - Timeout in milliseconds for transformData(). Default is 60000.


  • async transformData(item) -- Processes a single data item. Resolves with the transformed data item (or an array of items for splitting the item into multiple items). To be implemented or assigned. If it rejects, an error or skip event is emitted (depending on skipOnError).


  • skip - If skipOnError is true (default). Example handler: transformer.on('skip', ({ data, error }) => { ... }).
  • error - If skipOnError is false. This will stop the pipeline.
  • close - When the stream is closed (as usual).
  • debug - After each successful transform operation providing some debug information. Example handler: transformer.on('debug', ({ inflight, total, elapsed }) => { ... }). inflight is the number of asynchronous transformData() operations currently inflight. total is an overall counter. elapsed is the number of milliseconds of transformData() to resolve.
npm i continuous-streams


  • MIT
  • >=12.x.x
  • Frank Thelen
  • released 7/22/2024
