Real-time bidirectional event-based and Promise friendly communication in Chrome extensions or Apps inspired by Socket.IO.
chrome connect socket real time event-based promise bidirectional chrome extension chrome app and 1 more...

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Real-time bidirectional event-based and Promise friendly communication in Chrome extensions/apps inspired by Socket.IO.


Use with Webpack

If you build your project with Webpack, you can install via npm:

npm install

Then you can import it in your project:

// es6
import { createClient, createServer, send } from ''

// commonjs
const { createClient, createServer, send } = require('')

Use with <script>

Download chrome-connect.js from unpkg(min version).

Then reference it in your html:

<script src="path/to/chrome-connect.js"></script>
<!-- now you will get a global variable named chromeConnect -->
 var createClient = chromeConnect.createClient
 var createServer = chromeConnect.createServer
 var send = chromeConnect.send


Send message from content script to background

First, create a server in background page(or other pages like popup, options):

import { createServer } from ''

const server = createServer()

Second, listen connect event on server:

server.on('connect', client => {
  // client is a Client object

Finally, create a client in content script:

import { createClient } from ''

// client is an Client object
const client = createClient()

For more information about the Client object please read the API below.

Send message from background to content script

Only different with the above steps is: when you create client in background, you must specify the tab id in createClient.

For example, in your background:

import { createClient } from ''

const clientInBackground = createClient(1001) // the tab id you want to connect

Using namespace

Server can optional has a namespace:

import { createServer } from ''

const serverTweets = createServer('tweets')

serverTweets.on('connect', client => {
  client.on('tweet', tween => {

const serverNotification = createServer('notification')

serverNotification.on('connect', client => {
  client.on('notice', () => {

You can connect to different server in client:

import { createClient } from ''

const clientTweets = createClient({
  namespace: 'tweets'

clientTweets.send('tweet', ' is awesome')

const clientNotification = createClient({
  namespace: 'notification'


Get response from server

You can send response from server to the client. For example:

// in server
import { createServer } from ''

const server = createServer()

server.on('connect', client => {
  client.on('Do I have enough money?', (data, resolve, reject) => {
    if (data > 100) {
      resolve('Yes you do.')
    } else {
      reject('You need more money.')
// in client
import { createClient } from ''

const client = createClient()

// pass true as the last params to get response
client.send('Do I have enough money?', 50, true).catch(msg => {
  console.log(msg) // 'You need more money.'

client.send('Do I have enough money?', 10000, true).then(msg => {
  console.log(msg) // 'Yes you do.'

Send one-time message

If you want to send one-time message and don't want to create a client, you can use send method:

import { send } from ''

  name: 'Do I have enough money?',
  data: 10000,
  needResponse: true
}).then(msg => {
  console.log(msg) // 'Yes you do.'



Return a Server object.

Note: same namespace get the same Server object.

import { createServer } from ''

createServer() === createServer() // true
createServer('namespace') === createServer('namespace') // true
createServer('foo') === createServer('bar') // false


Create from createServer method.

Server#send(name[, data])

Send message to all clients that connect to this server.

Server#on(event, handler)

Listen event. For now there is only one event: connect.

createClient([id, options])

Return a Client object.

If you want to connect to content script from background, then id is necessary and must be a tab id.

options has these property:

  • namespace: which server you want connect
  • frameId: if you are connect to content script from background, you can specify a frameId to connect only this frame.


Create from createClient, or provided in server.on('connect') event.


The native chrome Port object.


If this client is connect from webpage or other extension, then this property is true.

Client#send(name[, data, needResponse])

Send message to server or client.

Client#on(name, handler(data, resolve, reject))

Receive message from server or client. Use resolve or reject method to response this message to server or client.

Client#broadcast(name[, data])

Note: this method only exist in server.

Sending a message to everyone else except for the connection that starts it.


Disconnect the connection.


Send one-time message.

The options has these property:

  • id: optional. If you want to connect to content script from background, then id is necessary and must be a tab id.
  • frameId: optional. See createClient([id, options]) API.
  • namespace: optional. See createClient([id, options]) API.
  • name: the message name.
  • data: the data you want send.
  • needResponse: if you need response, then set this to true



npm i


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Milk Lee
  • released 1/6/2018

