
A TypeORM-based session store
typeorm postgres session


A TypeORM-based session store.

Setup & Usage

Configure TypeORM with back end of your choice:


npm install connect-typeorm express-session typeorm sqlite3
npm install -D @types/express-session 

Implement the Session entity:

// src/domain/Session/Session.ts

import { ISession } from "connect-typeorm";
import { Column, DeleteDateColumn, Entity, Index, PrimaryColumn } from "typeorm";

export class Session implements ISession {
    public expiredAt =;

    @PrimaryColumn("varchar", { length: 255 })
    public id = "";

    public json = "";

    public destroyedAt?: Date;

Pass repository to TypeormStore:

// src/app/Api/Api.ts

import { TypeormStore } from "connect-typeorm";
import { getRepository } from "typeorm";
import * as Express from "express";
import * as ExpressSession from "express-session";

import { Session } from "../../domain/Session/Session";

export class Api {
    public sessionRepository = getRepository(Session);

    public express = Express().use(
            resave: false,
            saveUninitialized: false,
            store: new TypeormStore({
                cleanupLimit: 2,
                limitSubquery: false, // If using MariaDB.
                ttl: 86400
            secret: "keyboard cat"

TypeORM uses { "bigNumberStrings": true } option by default for node-mysql, you can use a Transformer to fix this issue:

import { Bigint } from "typeorm-static";

@Column("bigint", { transformer: Bigint })


Constructor receives an object. Following properties may be included:

  • cleanupLimit For every new session, remove this many expired ones (does not distinguish between users, so User A logging in can delete User B expired sessions). Defaults to 0, in case you need to analyze sessions retrospectively.

  • limitSubquery Select and delete expired sessions in one query. Defaults to true, you can set false to make two queries, in case you want cleanupLimit but your MariaDB version doesn't support limit in a subquery.

  • ttl Session time to live (expiration) in seconds. Defaults to session.maxAge (if set), or one day. This may also be set to a function of the form (store, sess, sessionID) => number.

  • onError Error handler for database exception. It is a function of the form (store: TypeormStore, error: Error) => void. If not set, any database error will cause the TypeormStore to be marked as "disconnected", and stop reading/writing to the database, therefore not loading sessions and causing all requests to be considered unauthenticated.



npm i connect-typeorm


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • makepost
  • released 7/5/2022
