
Allows to manage configuration files in your project


Allows to create and manage configuration files in your project. You can use gulp-config-parameters plugin to automate how your configuration is created and managed.

Release Notes


  • renamed main entry point. Now imports should be made like this: import ... from "configuration-manager";


  • renamed package name from configurator.ts to configuration-manager
  • added new configuration-manager/configuration-manager/ namespace
  • added support of environment variables
  • added support of included configurations
  • variables names now are $VARIABLE_NAME$ and environment variable now is %ENV_VAR_NAME%


  1. Install module:

    npm install configuration-manager --save

  2. Use typings to install all required definition dependencies.

    typings install

  3. ES6 features are used, so you may want to install es6-shim too:

    npm install es6-shim --save

    if you are building nodejs app, you may want to require("es6-shim"); in your app. or if you are building web app, you man want to add <script src="path-to-shim/es6-shim.js"> on your page.


Create your configuration file, lets say ./config.json:

  "factoryName": "BMW",
  "showEngineInfo": true,
  "engine": {
    "version": 12,
    "description": "Reactive engine for reactive cars"

Then register your configuration file in configurator and use it to get your configuration properties:

import Configurator from "configuration-manager";

console.log("factory name: ", Configurator.get("factoryName")); // prints: factory name: BMW
console.log("show engine info?: ", Configurator.get("showEngineInfo")); // prints: show engine info?: true
console.log("car engine: ", Configurator.get("engine")); // prints: car engine: [Object object]

###If you have separate parameters file you can use it this way: Lets say you have created ./parameters.json

  "factoryName": "BMW",
  "showEngineInfo": true,
  "engine": {
    "version": 12,
    "description": "Reactive engine for reactive cars"

And your ./config.json is like this:

  "factoryName": "$factoryName",
  "showEngineInfo": "$showEngineInfo$",
  "engine": {
    "version": "$engine::version$",
    "name": "Reactive",
    "description": "$engine::description$"

Now you can use configuration (with replaced parameters) this way:

import Configurator from "configuration-manager";

console.log("factory name: ", Configurator.get("factoryName")); // prints: factory name: BMW
console.log("show engine info?: ", Configurator.get("showEngineInfo")); // prints: show engine info?: true
console.log("car engine: ", Configurator.get("engine")); // prints: car engine: [Object object]

This allows you to create a common configuration file for your app, and use different parameters on different platforms. You can use gulp-config-parameters plugin to automate this process.

You can use environment variables in your configuration this way:

Lets say you have SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE and ENGINE_DESCRIPTION_FROM_ENV environment variables defined, then you can use them in your configuration (config.json) or parameters (parameters.json) this way:

  "showEngineInfo": true,
  "engine": {
    "version": 12,
    "description": "%ENGINE_DESCRIPTION_FROM_ENV%"

Variables will be replaced with environment variable values then. Take a look on this sample.

Using multiple configuration files

Sometimes you configuration is getting huge and you want to split it into multiple files. To make it easier configuration-manager supports this syntax to include other configuration files:


  "logging": true,
  "connection": "#/connection.json"


  "database": "localhost",
  "port": 3000,
  "username": "%CONNECTION_USERNAME%",
  "password": "%CONNECTION_PASSWORD%"

When you are adding you configuration using addConfiguration method you need to specify a path to your directory with configuration files this way:

const baseDir = __dirname + "/configurations";
configurator.addConfiguration(require("./configurations/config.json"), baseDir);

or you can simply use loadConfiguration method:

const baseDir = __dirname + "/configurations";
configurator.loadConfiguration("config.json", baseDir);

Take a look on this sample.

###If you are using typedi you can inject your configuration in your classes

import {Service} from "typedi";
import {Config} from "configuration-manager";
import {EngineFactory} from "./EngineFactory";

export class CarFactory {

    private factoryName: string;
    private showEngineInfo: boolean;

    constructor(@Config("factoryName") factoryName: string,
                @Config("showEngineInfo") showEngineInfo: boolean) {

        this.factoryName = factoryName; // gives you "BMW"
        this.showEngineInfo = showEngineInfo; // gives you "true"


You can also inject right to the properties:

import {Service} from "typedi";
import {Config} from "configuration-manager";
import {EngineFactory} from "./EngineFactory";

export class CarFactory {

    factoryName: string;  // value is "BMW"
    showEngineInfo: boolean; // value is "true"


Take a look on samples in ./sample for more examples of usage.


  • cover with tests
  • add support of more complicated expressions, like default parameters, or fallback parameters


