
Find the config file from ancestor folders.
config setting find finder


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Find the config file from ancestor folders.


  • The result is cached.
  • Load CommonJS modules or JSON files.
  • Everything runs asynchronously.


npm install config-locator


const {createConfigLocator} = require("config-locator");
- my-config.js
- src:
  - index.js
  - lib:
    - some-file.js
const locator = createConfigLocator({
  config: [
const result = await locator.findConfig("src/lib/some-file.js");
const result2 = await locator.findConfig("src/index.js");

result.filename === result2.filename; // true
result.config === result2.config; // true


This module exports following members:

  • findConfig(file, options) - find config fore file.
  • createConfigLocator(options) - create a config locator.


async findConfig(file: String, options: Object) => null|Array|Object

This is a shortcut of createConfigLocator(options).findConfig(file).


createConfigLocator(options: Object) => locator

options has following properties:

  • config: String|Array<String> - the filename of the config file(s). The locator would check if these files are in the directory.

  • findAll?: Boolean - by default, the locator would return the first found config file. If findAll is true then find all config files. Default: false.

  • stopAtRoot?: Boolean - stop finding if package.json is found in the directory. Default: true.

  • stopAt?: (dirname: String, pendingConfig: Promise) => shouldStop: Boolean|Promise<Boolean> - a hook to customize when to stop finding. The function could be async.

  • extensions?: {extensionName: filename => null|config} - a plain object that map each extension name (e.g. .js) to a loader function. The loader function should return null if filename doesn't exist. By default, the locator uses node-require-async to load .js and .json files.

    The loader function may return a promise.

  • race?: Boolean - by default, when finding multiple configs in the same directory, the locator reads the file in parallel (but ordered). If a config file is found (i.e. the loader returns a truthy value), the locator returns the config immediately.

    If race is false, the locator would wait for all loaders to finish and return the first found config.

    This option has no effect if config has only one item or findAll is true.

    Default: true.

locator has following methods:

  • async findConfig(filename) => null|result|Array<result> - find the config for file. It's a shortcut to searchDir(path.dirname(file)).

  • async searchDir(dirname) => null|result|Array<result> - start searching the config from dirname.

    result is an object {filename, config} that filename is the filename of the config and config is the object returned by the loader function registered in options.extensions.

    If options.findAll is true then it would be an array of result objects.

  • clearCache() - clear the cache. Note that this function only clears the cache of config locator, you may want to remove the module from require.cache that is created by node-require-async.

  • async close() - make sure all files are closed i.e. all loaders have finished.


  • 0.1.0 (Jun 27, 2018)

    • First release.
npm i config-locator


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • eight04
  • released 6/27/2018

