
Helper methods for working with Templates and the Communibase service.


A collection of helper functions to simplify the use of Communibase data in Templates.

Consists of

  • TemplateDataFactory Enrich Communibase-data in any way possible for easy use in dynamic templates.

  • Handlebars helpers A set of helpers for the Handlebars template engine, configured for datatypes as coming from the communibase service

  • Promisified rendering of template files and string A pre-promisified interface for the Handelbars render engine.

Example usage:

var tools = require('communibase-render-tools');
var factory = new tools.TemplateDataFacory({ ... your options ...});
factory.getTemplateDataPromise("Person", person).then(function () { ... })

// and / or


// and / or

tools.renderFile('myTemplate.hbs', {}).then(...)

Constructor options

All options for the constructor are optional. Possible options:

cbc: an instance of the Communibase Connector. Will be spawned if not supplied

maxNestLevel: Default 5. How deep should getTemplateData iterate with retrieving data.

Tool methods

Expand all possible paths for a certain document, making it more easy to use it as a source for templates.

tool.getTemplateDataPromise(entityTypeTitle, document)
npm i communibase-render-tools

