
Generic JSDoc-like comment parser
jsdoc comments parser


comment-parser is a library helping to handle Generic JSDoc-style comments. It is

  • language-agnostic – no semantics enforced. You decide what tags are and what they mean. And it can be used with any language supporting /** */ source comments.
  • no dependencies – it is compact and environment-agnostic, can be run on both the server and browser sides
  • highly customizable – with a little code you can deeply customize how comments are parsed
  • bidirectional - you can write comment blocks back to the source after updating or formatting
  • strictly typed - comes with generated d.ts data definitions since written in TypeScript
npm install comment-parser

💡 Check out the Playground

💡 Previous version lives in 0.x branch

Lib mainly provides two pieces Parser and Stringifier.


Let's go over string parsing:

const { parse } = require('comment-parser/lib')

const source = `
 * Description may go
 * over few lines followed by @tags
 * @param {string} name the name parameter
 * @param {any} value the value of any type

const parsed = parse(source)

Lib source code is written in TypeScript and all data shapes are conveniently available for your IDE of choice. All types described below can be found in primitives.ts

The input source is first parsed into lines, then lines split into tokens, and finally, tokens are processed into blocks of tags


 * Description may go
 * over multiple lines followed by @tags
 * @param {string} name the name parameter
 * @param {any} value the value parameter


 * Description may go
 * over multiple lines followed by @tags


 * @param {string} name the name parameter
 * @param {any} value the value parameter


|line|start|delimiter|postDelimiter|tag   |postTag|name |postName|type    |postType|description                     |end|
|   0|{2}  |/**      |             |      |       |     |        |        |        |                                |   |
|   1|{3}  |*        |{1}          |      |       |     |        |        |        |Description may go              |   |
|   2|{3}  |*        |{1}          |      |       |     |        |        |        |over few lines followed by @tags|   |
|   3|{3}  |*        |{1}          |@param|{1}    |name |{1}     |{string}|{1}     |the name parameter              |   |
|   4|{3}  |*        |{1}          |@param|{1}    |value|{1}     |{any}   |{1}     |the value of any type           |   |
|   5|{3}  |         |             |      |       |     |        |        |        |                                |*/ |


The result is an array of Block objects, see the full output on the playground

  // uppper text of the comment, overall block description
  description: 'Description may go over multiple lines followed by @tags',
  // list of block tags: @param, @param
  tags: [{
    // tokens.tag without "@"
    tag: 'param',
    // unwrapped
    name: 'name',
    // unwrapped tokens.type
    type: 'string',
    // true, if is [optional]
    optional: false,
    // default value if optional [name=default] has one
    default: undefined,
    // tokens.description assembled from a siongle or multiple lines
    description: 'the name parameter',
    // problems occured while parsing this tag section, subset of ../problems array
    problems: [],
    // source lines processed for extracting this tag, "slice" of the ../source item reference
    source: [ ... ],
  }, ... ],
  // source is an array of `Line` items having the source
  // line number and `Tokens` that can be assembled back into
  // the line string preserving original formatting
  source: [{
    // source line number
    number: 1,
    // source line string
    source: "/**",
    // source line tokens
    tokens: {
      // indentation
      start: "",
      // delimiter, either '/**', '*/', '*', or ''. Mid lines may have no delimiters
      delimiter: "/**",
      // space between delimiter and tag
      postDelimiter: "",
      // tag starting with "@"
      tag: "",
      // space between tag and type
      postTag: "",
      // name with no whitespaces or "multiple words" wrapped into quotes. May occure in [name] and [name=default] forms
      name: "",
      // space between name and type
      postName: "",
      // type is has to be {wrapped} into curlies otherwise will be omitted
      type: "",
      // space between type and description
      postType: "",
      // description is basicaly rest of the line
      description: "",
      // closing */ marker if present
      end: ""
  }, ... ],
  // problems occured while parsing the block
  problems: [],

While .source[].tokens are not providing readable annotation information, they are essential for tracing data origins and assembling string blocks with stringify


interface Options {
  // start count for source line numbers
  startLine: number;
  // escaping chars sequence marking wrapped content literal for the parser
  fence: string;
  // block and comment description compaction strategy
  spacing: 'compact' | 'preserve';
  // tokenizer functions extracting name, type, and description out of tag, see Tokenizer
  tokenizers: Tokenizer[];


suggest more examples


The stringifier is an important piece used by other tools updating the source code. It goes over Block.source[].tokens items and assembles them back to the string. It might be used with various transforms applied before stringifying.

const { parse, stringify, transforms: {flow, align, indent} } = require('comment-parser');

const source = `
   * Description may go
   * over multiple lines followed by @tags
* @my-tag {my.type} my-name description line 1
      description line 2
    * description line 3

const parsed = parse(source);
const transform = flow(align(), indent(0))


 * Description may go
 * over multiple lines followed by @tags
 * @my-tag {my.type} my-name description line 1
                             description line 2
 *                           description line 3


suggest more examples

Migrating from 0.x version

Code of pre-1.0 version is forked into 0.x and will phase out eventually. Please file the issue if you find some previously existing functionality can't be achieved with 1.x API. Check out migration notes.

npm i comment-parser


  • MIT
  • >= 12.0.0
  • Sergiy Yavorsky
  • released 10/25/2023

