
combine rss feeds
rss atom feed combine join


combine rss feeds in url

input multiple rss feeds, then output single xml url

combined rss object can deal like below.


using npm:

npm install combine-rss

*** or using package.json: ***

"combine-rss": "*"

##example # Coffeescript

# rss feed urls
apple    = ""
livedoor = ""

# schema
schema = 
  title: "combiner_rss"
  description: "node_rss_combine"
  feed_url: ""
  site_url: ""
  image_url: ""
  author: "nikezono"

# require
combiner = require('combine-rss').combiner()

# add
combiner.add [apple,livedoor]

# delete
combiner.del livedoor, (urls)->
  console.log urls
  # => [""]

# combine
combiner.combine (rss)->
  console.log rss.articles
    # => combined articles array
  rss.output schema,(xml)->
    console.log xml
    # => xml string

# combine(async)
setTimeout ->
  rss = combiner.rss()
  rss.output schema,(xml)->
    console.log xml
    # => xml string

combiner.crawl (rss)->
  rss.output schema,(xml)->
    console.log xml
    # => xml string
  console.log rss.articles
    # => combined articles array




add feed url to instance property. #####Arguments

  • feed_url - either String and Array type argument is possible.
  • callback(urls) - Optional. This function gets urls Array containing all added urls.


delete feed url in instance property. #####Arguments

  • feed_url - either String and Array type argument is possible.
  • callback(urls) - Optional. This function gets urls Array containing all added urls.


delete all url in instance property.


Return urls Array containing all added urls.


combine all urls to single rss object. #####Arguments

  • callback(rss) - Optional. This function gets rss object which combined all added urls.


Return RSS objects.


alias to combine().



Return rss Object Array sorted by PubDate and descending order. each object is parsed by node-parse-rss and this module is wrapper of feedparser.


output rss xml. #####Arguments

  • schema - your RSS feed's schema.


  title: "combiner_rss"
  description: "node_rss_combine"
  feed_url: ""
  site_url: ""
  image_url: ""
  author: "nikezono"
  • callback(xml) - This function gets xml string which combined all added urls.

Articles parameter(quote from feedparser.)

List of meta properties
  • title
  • description
  • link (website link)
  • xmlurl (the canonical link to the feed, as specified by the feed)
  • date (most recent update)
  • pubdate (original published date)
  • author
  • language
  • image (an Object containing url and title properties)
  • favicon (a link to the favicon -- only provided by Atom feeds)
  • copyright
  • generator
  • categories (an Array of Strings)
List of article properties
  • title
  • description (frequently, the full article content)
  • summary (frequently, an excerpt of the article content)
  • link
  • origlink (when FeedBurner or Pheedo puts a special tracking url in the link property, origlink contains the original link)
  • date (most recent update)
  • pubdate (original published date)
  • author
  • guid (a unique identifier for the article)
  • comments (a link to the article's comments section)
  • image (an Object containing url and title properties)
  • categories (an Array of Strings)
  • source (an Object containing url and title properties pointing to the original source for an article; see the RSS Spec for an explanation of this element)
  • enclosures (an Array of Objects, each representing a podcast or other enclosure and having a url property and possibly type and length properties)
  • meta (an Object containing all the feed meta properties; especially handy when using the EventEmitter interface to listen to article emissions)


  • BSD
  • *
  • nikezono
  • released 6/27/2013

