
Javascript class Factory generator implemented in Coffeescript.
Factory Class Coffeescript

Coffee Factory

Javascript class Factory generator implemented in Coffeescript.


npm install --save coffee-factory


CommonJS Module

new Factory(klass, maxReuse, ctorArgs...) → Factory Instance

  • klass The class to instantiate when Factory#get() called
  • maxReuse The maximum number of existing instance to keep at any one time. FIFO.
  • ctorArgs Arguments passed to constructor when new instantiations created

Factory#get(initArgs...)klass instance

  • initArgs Arguments passed to .initialize() of instance when Factory#get() called


  • obj An instance to give the Factory for re-use


Basic Usage

Factory = require 'coffee-factory'

class User
  name: "default"
  initialize: ->
    @name = ""

UserFactory = new Factory User, 10 # Create the factory

# Get an instance.
# No instances are stored in the factory, so a new one is created
user = UserFactory.get()
console.log # Output: "" - because `.initialize()` is called = "Foo"

# We no longer want this instance, so let the factory reuse it
UserFactory.put user
user = null
# Normally, garbage collection would delete the object form memory

# Get another instance. There is one stored, so that will be used.
# Before returning, `.initialize` (if it exists) will be called on the instance
user2 = UserFactory.get()
console.log # Output: ""

Passing params to initialize

Factory = require 'coffee-factory'

class User
  name: "default"
  initialize: (@name = "") ->

UserFactory = new Factory User, 10 # Create the factory

user = UserFactory.get "Foo"
console.log # Output: "Foo" - the param was passed to `.initialize()`

Passing params to the constructor

Factory = require 'coffee-factory'

class User
  name: "default"
  constructor: (@name = "") ->

# The "Foo" parameter will be passed to the constructor of User when `.get()` is called
UserFactory = new Factory User, 10, "Foo"

user = UserFactory.get()
console.log # Output: "Foo"

user2 = UserFactory.get()
console.log # Output: "Foo"

Usage as a Default Constructor system

Factory = require 'coffee-factory'

class User
  isStaff: false
  constructor: (@isStaff) ->

# The "Foo" parameter will be passed to the constructor of User when `.get()` is called
StaffUser = new Factory User, 10, true

ceo = StaffUser.get()
console.log ceo.isStaff # Output: true


Like what I've created? *So do I!* I develop this project in my spare time, free for the community.

If you'd like to say thanks, buy me a beer by tipping with Dogecoin: DJLZccHAcz19ikSV1D5jY3WdFPU7Nqjmfk

npm i coffee-factory


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Jess Telford
  • released 3/21/2014

