
Utilities for working with CODEOWNERS files
codeowners utils utilities lib globs


Utilities for working with CODEOWNERS files


npm install --save codeowners-utils


From the generated dist/codeowners-utils.d.ts file:

 * An individual entry from a CODEOWNERS file
export interface CodeOwnersEntry {
    pattern: string
    owners: Array<string>

 * Parse a CODEOWNERS file into an array of entries (will be in reverse order
 * of the file).
export declare function parse(str: string): Array<CodeOwnersEntry>

 * Standard locations to search for the CODEOWNERS file in priority order
 * (Note: This comes from GitHub).
export declare let CODEOWNERS_PATHS: string[]

 * Find the path of the CODEOWNERS file from the current working directory.
export declare function findOwnersPath(cwd: string): Promise<string | null>

 * Find, load, and parse the CODEOWNERS file (if it exists) from the current
 * working directory.
export declare function loadOwners(
    cwd: string,
): Promise<Array<CodeOwnersEntry> | null>

 * Match a filename against a glob pattern (while respecting .gitignore rules)
export declare function matchPattern(filename: string, pattern: string): boolean

 * Match a filename against CODEOWNERS entries to determine which (if any) it
 * matches.
export declare function matchFile(
    filename: string,
    entries: Array<CodeOwnersEntry>,
): CodeOwnersEntry | null

 * Given a set of files and CODEOWNERS entries, return the set of files which
 * are not matched to any CODEOWNERS entries.
export declare function filterUnmatchedFiles(
    files: Array<string>,
    entries: Array<CodeOwnersEntry>,
): string[]

 * Find all of the files in a git repository which are not matched by any code
 * owners using a set of CODEOWNERS entries.
export declare function findUnmatchedFilesFromEntries(
    entries: Array<CodeOwnersEntry>,
    cwd: string,
): Promise<Array<string>>

 * Find all of the files in a git repository which are not matched by any code
 * owners.
export declare function findUnmatchedFiles(
    cwd: string,
): Promise<Array<string> | null>
npm i codeowners-utils


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jamie Kyle
  • released 4/29/2020

