
A CocktailJS Trait Extension to add AOP methods to the host class
aop trait cocktail after before around advice

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A CocktailJS Trait Extension

A Trait to add AOP advices into Classes/Objects. The methods around, after and before are available on host classes or objects.


npm install cocktail --save
npm install cocktail-trait-advisable --save

Trait requires (glue code)



Define a class with advisable trait:


var cocktail = require('cocktail'),
    advisable = require('cocktail-trait-advisable');

    '@exports': module,
    '@as'     : 'class',

    '@traits' : [advisable],

    aMethod: function () {
        console.log('a method is called!');

And then use it on your index.js


var MyClass = require('./MyClass');

var obj = new MyClass();

function afterFn() { console.log('this will be called after!'); }

// #1 attach the after advice
obj.after('aMethod', afterFn);

// #2 call the adviced method

On #1 we attached the advice for after calling aMethod method in our obj. Then when #2 is executed the console output will show:

node index.js
a method is called
this will be called after!


The following methods will be publicly available on the host class:

  • after( methodName, adviceFunction, [scope] ): Adds the adviceFunction to be called after the method.
    • methodName {String}: The method name in the host class.
    • adviceFunction {String|Function}: the function or the name of the function to be called. It receives the same parameters as the method.
    • scope {Object} the scope to execute the adviceFunction. Optional.
  • before( methodName, adviceFunction, [scope] ): Adds the adviceFunction to be called before the method.
    • methodName {String}: The method name in the host class.
    • adviceFunction {String|Function}: the function or the name of the function to be called. It receives the same parameters as the method.
    • scope {Object} the scope to execute the adviceFunction. Optional.
  • around( methodName, adviceFunction, [scope] ): Adds the adviceFunction to be called around the method.
    • methodName {String}: The method name in the host class.
    • adviceFunction {String|Function}: the function or the name of the function to be called. It receives the method as the first parameter and then same parameters.
    • scope {Object} the scope to execute the adviceFunction. Optional.
npm i cocktail-trait-advisable


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Maximiliano Fierro
  • released 1/28/2015

