
A web component for real-time collaborative text editing


<co-editor> is a web component for real-time collaborative text editing. It maintains consistent document states between collaborating users with operational transformation. All of this logic is handled by the component in client-side, so the application developer only needs to broadcast the updates from each client to the others.

Simulating 5000ms network delay between two collaborating clients:

co-editor demo gif

(see index.html for the example code)

Running the Demo Server

npm install
npm run start

Open localhost:8080.


Run the demo server and open localhost:8080/test.

Building for Production

npm install
npm run build

This produces a minified bundle at /dist/co-editor.min.js


Web Components

Web components are reusable custom HTML elements which encapsulate their content and styles inside a shadow DOM.


Consistency Maintenance in Real-Time Collaborative Editors

The component maintains consistent document states between collaborating users by implementing the GOTO algorithm (General Operational Transformation Optimized), based on research work by Chengzheng Sun et al.

[1] C. Sun, X. Jia, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, and D. Chen,
    “Achieving convergence, causality preservation, and intention preservation in
    real-time cooperative editing systems”, ACM Trans. Comput. -Hum. Interact.,
    vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 63–108, Mar. 1998.

[2] C. Sun and C. Ellis,
    “Operational transformation in real-time group editors: Issues, algorithms,
    and achievements”, in Proceedings of the 1998 ACM Conferenceon Computer Supported
    Cooperative Work, ser. CSCW ’98, Seattle, Washington, USA: ACM, 1998, pp. 59–68.
npm i co-editor


