
This module is used to configure how the process of adding an Integration should behave.

#Provider Generator

This module is used to configure how the process of adding an Integration should behave.

##Config File

The config file has the information on how the integration should behave when you add/edit one.

You can find it under ./src/config

It has several parameters:


The name of the integration.


The name that will be displayed in the main app.


The description that will be displayed by the app when adding an integration.


The icon you want to show when the user will update the app.

###oauth (true or false, false by default)

If the integration is using oauth to connect the integration.



The first call that should be done when adding an integraiton.


The call that should be called when the APP is getting back from the integration website.


The initialProperties parameter is an array of the fields you want to collect before adding the integration. Generally, it is username and password.

Each property can have different type. A simple input (the default), a password (password), a tree (flattree).


    initialProperties: [{
        displayName: 'User Name',
        name: 'username'
    }, {
        displayName: 'Password',
        name: 'password',
        type: 'password'
    } ],


Properties is used to define what property the user needs to configure before adding the Integration (list of folders, list of projects,....)


    properties: [ { displayName: 'Folders to include', name: 'folders', type: 'flattree' } ],

###published (true or false, false by default)

Is telling the webapp if he needs to create the pages for that Integration or not.


Property used to tell if the configuration for the modifying an integration should be ignore and use the one from the app. (the pages won't be automatically populated, you need to manually add the routes, the controller, the templates,...)

##How to deliver a new version?

  1. Generate the tempaltes

Once your changes are done, you need to execute the script which generates the templates.

node index.js

  1. Publish the package

Once that is done, you need to update the package.json (in the root folder) by incrementing the version number.

When the version number has been incremented, you can now publish the package on NPM.

npm publish ./

  1. Install the package in CluedIn.WebApp

3.a Delete the folder providerGenerator located in the /node_modules/ folder of the CluedIn.WebApp project. 3.b Update the package.json file updating the version number of providerGenerator located in the dependencies object. 3.c install the new package

npm install cluedinprovidergenerator

3.d You now need to call the main 'gulp' of the CluedIn.WebApp to package everything.

3.e depending on your environment, you need to publish the changes.

In dev:

gulp publishdev

In test:

gulp publish

In prod:

gulp publishprod

npm i cluedinprovidergenerator


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 3/6/2017
