
A Node API to Closure Stylesheets.
closure-stylesheets closure css stylesheets


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closure-stylesheets is A Node API to Closure Stylesheets.

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Table Of Contents


The package is available by importing its default function:

import closureStylesheets, { closureStylesheetsSync } from 'closure-stylesheets'

async compileStylesheets(
  css: (string|!Array<string>),
  config: !ClosureStylesheetsConfig,
  log=: !Function,
): ClosureReturn

Compiles stylesheets asynchronously.

  • css* (string | !Array<string>): The resolved path to the CSS file to compile.
  • config* !ClosureStylesheetsConfig: Additional configuration to transform into arguments to Java. Requires at list path to the JAR file.
  • log !Function (optional): The logging function.

ClosureStylesheetsConfig: Configuration options.

Name Type & Description Default
path* string -
The path to the closure JAR. You can use closure-stylesheets-java package to install it via Node.
skipHTMLEscaping boolean false
By default, the compiler will escape [<>\"&'] from output to make it suitable for safe embedding in HTML tags and attributes. When standalone CSS is generated, this is not necessary and can be skipped.
expandBrowserPrefix boolean false
Expand CSS rules to include vendor-prefixed declarations.
outputBrowserPrefix string -
The location of the file where to output the prefixed version of the CSS. Works only when expandBrowserPrefix is set. The filename should end with .css and the compiler will also create a .json file at the same location with the map to check for support.
prefixes !Array<string> -
CSS rule prefixes (position:sticky, -ms-hyphens.) to include in the main output CSS rather than browser prefix file.
prettyPrint boolean false
Whether to format the output with newlines and indents so that it is more readable.
sourceMap string -
Provides a mapping from the generated output to their original source code location.
rootSelector string -
The string to prepend to selectors of each ruleset.
allowUnrecognizedProperties boolean false
Allow unrecognized properties.
preserveImportantComments boolean false
Preserve important comments from sources into minified output css. Important comments are marked with /*! */, @license, or @preserve.
cssRenamingPrefix string -
Add a prefix to all renamed css class names.
whitelist !Array<string> -
Excluded classes from renaming.
outputRenamingMap string -
How to format the output from the CSS class renaming.
inputRenamingMap string -
The input filename for the CSS class renaming. The file must provide a map of class names that will be used for renaming. If a class name is not found in file, a new name will be generated. --input-renaming-map
rename string -
How CSS classes should be renamed. Defaults to NONE. Can be CLOSURE, SIMPLE, DEBUG.
excludedClassesFromRenaming !Array<string> -
Pass the compiler a list of CSS class names that shouldn't be renamed.

ClosureReturn: Returns stylesheet and rename map if successful, or parsed info, stderr and status otherwise.

Name Type & Description
block string
Parsed error information with CLI colour.
stderr string
Full stderr output in case of error.
status number
Exit error code.
renameMap Object
If renaming was on, this is the generated map parsed into an object.
stylesheet string
The actual compiled stylesheet in case of success.

For example, we can compile this simple stylesheet:

.MyElement {
  color: green;
import compileStylesheets from 'closure-stylesheets'
import path from 'closure-stylesheets-java'

(async () => {
  const res = await compileStylesheets('example/style.css', {
    rootSelector: '.Example',
  }, console.error)
  renameMap: { MyElement: 'a' },
  stylesheet: '.Example .a{color:green}'

Logging of the executed command will be done into console.error since it was passed as the third argument.

java -jar /Users/zavr/node_modules/closure-stylesheets-java/target/closure-stylesheets-1.12.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar "example/style.css" --root-selector .Example --output-renaming-map temp-rename-map.json --output-renaming-map-format JSON --rename SIMPLE

The sync version with the same API is also available.

  css: (string|!Array<string>),
  config: !ClosureStylesheetsConfig,
  log=: !Function,
): ClosureReturn

Compiles stylesheets in a sync manner.

  • css* (string | !Array<string>): The resolved path to the CSS file to compile.
  • config* !ClosureStylesheetsConfig: Additional configuration to transform into arguments to Java. Requires at list path to the JAR file.
  • log !Function (optional): The logging function.
import { compileStylesheetsSync } from 'closure-stylesheets'
import path from 'closure-stylesheets-java'

const resSync = compileStylesheetsSync('example/style.css', {
  rootSelector: '.HelloWorld',
  whitelist: ['MyElement'],
}, console.error)
{ renameMap: {}, stylesheet: '.HelloWorld .MyElement{color:green}' }


Art Deco © Art Deco™ 2020

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