
Closure Runner is a lightweight task runner that by default provides tasks for working with Google Closure Tools, mainly the Closure Compiler.

Closure Runner

Closure Runner is a lightweight task runner that by default provides tasks for working with Google Closure Tools, mainly the Closure Compiler.

The idea is to simplify and streamline the workflow with Google Closure Tools while allowing projects to define custom tasks. Custom tasks can be run either side-by-side with the provided ones or they can run the provided tasks as sub-tasks and work with their output.


The runner is based on node.js so the preferred installation method is via NPM:

npm install closure-runner


When installed globally, Closure Runner is invoked via the runner executable installed by NPM to your $PATH.

$ runner task-name

When installed locally to the project, you can invoke it as

$ node_modules/.bin/runner task-name

You will probably want to specify an NPM script in your package.json file for local installations:

  "scripts": {
    "test": "node_modules/.bin/runner test"

Note that you need to run the commands from the root directory of your project.

Project Configuration

The runner looks for a client.json file in the project root.

  "app": {
    "output": "./build/app.js",
    "namespaces": [ "app" ],
    "roots": [
  "closure-library": "./lib/closure-library"

The configuration above the minimum which you need to provide.

  • app – information about the application
    • output – the JavaScript compilation output path
    • output.deps – the dependency list file output path
    • output.source-map – the source map output path for debugging compiled code
    • output.sources – the directory into which to save scopified files
    • output.templates – the directory into which to save compiled Soy templates
    • namespaces – the entry point namespaces for the application (a goog.provide symbol)
    • roots – the paths to search for JavaScript files
    • externs.*:./externs/*.js – custom JS compilation extern files
  • apps:[ app, app, … ] – for multiple applications
  • closure-library – the path to Google Closure Library
  • closure-templates – the path to Google Closure Templates
  • tasks.*:./tasks/*.js – custom task definition (see below)
  • externs.*:./externs/*.js – custom JS compilation extern files for all apps

Provided Tasks

  • compile - compiles JavaScript code (files returned by the scopify task)
  • deps – lists dependencies and writes them to the "output.deps" app configuration key
  • soy - compiles Soy templates to JavaScript files

Provided Shadow Tasks

Shadow tasks are tasks that can only be run as sub-tasks.

  • get-closure-compiler – returns a function with the signature of compile(flags: Object.<string, string|Array.<string>>, callback: function(err))
  • get-closure-templates – returns a function with the signature of compile(flags: Object.<string, string|Array.<string>>, callback: function(err))
  • get-closure-depswriter – returns a function with the signature of compile(flags: Object.<string, string|Array.<string>>, callback: function(err))
  • sources – lists all JavaScript files that would get compilation; returns a list of files
  • scopify – wraps all JavaScript files in a goog.scope wrapper to allow CommonJS-like aliasing; returns a list of files

Custom Tasks

The project can provide its own tasks that can be run via Closure Runner. A task is a node.js module that exports a function.

module.exports = function (runner, args, callback) {
  doCoolShit(function (err) {
    callback(err, 'result');

The first argument is a ClosureRunner.Runner instance populated with the application info. If you define multiple apps in the client.json configuration file, the task is invoked for each of the app individually in sequence with correctly populated Runner instances. See the public API of Runner below for more info about what is this object good for.

The second argument is an object containing parsed runner arguments passed to the process on invocation. The utilized argument parser is node-optimist.

For instance, if you need to provide the task with custom data, you can for example pass --awesome-data 1234 to the runner executable an access this value as args['awesome-data'].

Note that the v runner argument is a boolean reserved for switching to verbose reporting mode. Custom tasks are encouraged to provide useful debug information in this mode.

All tasks are run in a asynchronous manner so the last argument is a callback function for the task to call when the task completes. You can pass any number or arguments to the callback function for inter-task communication. (See the public API of Runner below.)

To register a custom task, add a tasks.* link to the client.json configuration file. Example:

"": "./tasks/awesome.js"

This would make the task invocable as runner my-awesome-task.

Public Runner API

Each task is passed a Runner instance as the first argument. You will want to use some of its methods in most cases.

  • Runner#getConfigValue(): string – returns a configuration value by key (or null if not present)
  • Runner#getAppConfigValue(): string – returns an application configuration value (app.*) by key (or null if not present)
  • Runner#getProjectDirname(): string – returns the absolute path to the root directory of the project
  • Runner#getStackDirname(): string – returns the Closure Runner directory path relative to the project
  • Runner#getTempDirname(): string – returns the temporary directory intro which intermediate source files get stored
  • Runner#runTask(task_id: string, callback: function(err, …)) – runs a task as a sub-task
    • The arguments passed to the callback function of the sub-task are passed to the provided callback function. The provided callback function is basically passed to the sub-task as the last argument.
  • Runner#path(filename: string) – converts a path to a project-relative one
  • Runner#log(chunk: string) – writes to the stderr stream
npm i closure-runner


  • Unknown
  • Whatever
  • Jan Kuča
  • released 9/6/2014

