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Click And Hold

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Will fire a handler throttled by an interval, continuously while user presses on element.

Supports touch.

Zero dependencies.

How to use:

Important to note: If your handler relies on scope, ensure it is called with the correct scope by binding the scope directly, or using the closure.

import clickAndHold from 'click-and-hold';

clickAndHold.register(element, handler.bind(theScopeYouWant), interval);


How it works:

When the element is first interacted with (mousedown, touchstart), we start a loop that will continuously try and call a passed handler on a passed interval. To avoid complexity, we store the interval and subsequent handlers on the element itself. Its only 50 something lines. Scope it.


npm install --save-dev click-and-hold


From 1.X.X -> 2.X.X, We are now using es6 module imports instead of common.js. Thinks like webpack/browserify/etc should be able to hang either way.

I am not trying to camp names on NPM, so if someone else wants this name just let me know and I will gladly take my repo down.

npm i click-and-hold


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 3/20/2020

