
Secure configuration storage for command line applications
cli storage data dot file config configuration


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cli-storage is command-line configuration storage system which allows you to safely store data on disk. If these files get stolen or shared they will be completely useless unless they got your password to decipher it.


This is Node.js only module and is distributed through the public npm registry. It can be installed by simply running the following command in your CLI:

npm install --save cli-storage


In all examples we assume you've already required the library and constructed a valid instance as following:

'use strict';

var Storage = require('cli-storage')
  , storage = new Storage('bar', {});

The Storage constructor accepts 2 arguments:

  1. name, The name of the dot file (.<name>) that we should load and store our configuration in.
  2. options, Optional object which further configures the Storage instance. The following properties can be configured:
    • password, The password for the file, if none is provided we will use your ~/.ssh/id_rsa key or fallback to your hostname.
    • home, The location of your home folder, this is also the location where we we will store the configuration file in. If nothing is provided we will default to the env variables HOME or USERPROFILE to supply us with a directory;
    • filename, Filename of the configuration file, this can be useful if you don't want to store a dot file but just a regular filename instead. We default to . with the supplied name argument.
    • defaults, An object with default values for the store. If nothing is provided we will default to {}.
    • prefix, The prefix that we add for each key before we store them. We default to $. This is also really useful if you want to store different data in same file for example when building a configuration file that allows multiple profiles to be used.
storage = new Storage('example', {
  password: 'hello world im a password'

The created storage variable now contains a bunch of methods that you can use to get/set and manipulate the config:


Only allow these keys to be stored to disk. This allows you to merge in additional defaults or overrides without getting them stored.


Now only the keys foo and bar will be stored. The method also accepts multiple arguments or an array for setting the keys that you allow. We will also process them automatically so they are prefixed.

storage.allow(['foo', 'bar']);
storage.allow('foo', 'bar');


Add a new value to the configuration. We require 2 arguments a key and a value pair. When adding new values please make sure that it can be transformed to a JSON object. So no circular references etc.

storage.set('foo', bar)
       .set('bar', 13131);

As seen in the example above, it returns it self so you can use it as chaining API. Every time you set a new value we will also automatically save the whole data set to disk.


Retrieve a stored value. The method accepts one argument which is the key under which you've stored the value. If nothing can be retrieved, it will return undefined.

storage.set('foo', 'bar');
console.log(storage.get('foo'), storage.get('afdafasf')); // 'bar', undefined


Remove a key and value pair from the dataset.


As seen in the example above, it returns it self so you can use it as chaining API. Every time you set a new value we will also automatically save the whole data set to disk.

Save the internal dataset to disk. You don't really need to call this method manually as it's called every single time you set a new value. The only reason why you might want to call this is to save your supplied defaults to disk.;

If the operation fails, it will throw as we're using sync API's. This method also returns it self so it can be used to chain with other API calls.


Load the data from disk. You don't need to call this manually as it's called when you construct a new Storage instance. But you might want to re-load the configuration when an external process made changes to the config.


If the operation fails, it will throw as we're using sync API's. This method also returns it self so it can be used to chain with other API calls.


Remove the saved configuration file. And it will reset it's internal data structure to it's supplied defaults.



Destroy the instance, removes the internals to release references. You should never call any more methods after destroying it.


It returns a boolean indicating if it's already been destroyed before.

Please note: This is a private method.

Read a JSON document for the given path. If we cannot read the document we assume that file has been encrypted and that we need to decrypt it before parsing. If we still fail to parse we will return an empty object.'/non/existing/path'); //  {}; // { .. your config - decrypted .. }


Please note: This is a private method.

Return the location of our configuration file. It starts to resolve at the current working directory and resolves it back to the home directory so it will allow project based configurations.

var file = storage.file();


Please note: This is a private method.

Prefix the key so save to be used in Objects for storage and not vulnerable to potential dictionary attacks. It prefixes the key with the specified prefix option.

var prefix = storage.key('afdfa');


Please note: This is a private method.

It gets your private ssh key so we can use that for as password fallback. It will search the provided home directory for an .ssh folder which should have an id_rsa file which contains the private key.

var ssh = storage.ssh(); // key or empty string.



npm i cli-storage


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Arnout Kazemier
  • released 12/3/2014

