
Command line utility to replace http links in package-lock with https
quick replace http https package-lock


chttps is a minimal command line utility for replacing resolved http links on package-lock JSON files with https. Chttps (Change http to https) was inspired by and initially based on code. It has fewer config options and no dependency; whereas it is intented to only change the very first occurance of http links with https on each line i.e. without regular expression. Caution: the input package-lock.json file must have line-breaks for each item and should be stored in utf-8 format.

Install globally as a command line utility

  npm install chttps --global

Then in the package folder you could use the command below to test the package-lock.json file & replace resolved http links with https.

    chttps .

Install as a development dependency

  npm install chttps --save-dev

Then add the following line to the scripts tag within the package.json file of the desired module.

"scripts": {
    "postshrinkwrap": "chttps ."


Replace all occurrences (i.e. the first ones on every line) of 'resolved": "http://' with 'resolved": "https://' in the package-lock.json in the current directory:

chttps .

Replace all occurrences (i.e. the first ones on every line) of 'resolved": "http://' with 'resolved": "https://' in the package-lock.json in another directory:

chttps "packageFolder"
npm i chttps


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Plotly, Inc.
  • released 1/2/2019

